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Im New Here But i need help!!!

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  • Im New Here But i need help!!!

    First of all guys im new to this forum but not to scenario making. however most of my scenarios i have made have been too easy (ask Paul).
    Anyway im going to try to make a scenario based on Harry Turtledoves Great War series. If you havent read them then read them they are ace. But if you havent the south wins the american civil war and then another war 20 years later. The year is 1914. The sides are. America and Germany vs Britain, france, russia and the confederacy. The other side i am implimenting will be the neutrals just so i can use 7 slots.
    So first of all guys i need a map of the entire world thats big enough in all areas of the world to have this world war with 2 nations on the american map but without turning the world into a stupid looking place.
    Now if you dont mind pap1723 i was hoping i could "borrow" your giga map of the world if this could be possible. If anyone could tell this guy about my request i would be greatful.
    That will do for now but anyone whos read the books give me a bell with ideas i could impliment.

    Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

    "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"

  • #2
    Folks place their maps out there for people to use. They are not, and cannot ever be, copyrighted material. You don't need permsission. However, I imagine that if you credited the people who made the map, units, graphics, whatever, they would be more than happy. You can do this in a "readme" file attached to your scenario. Think about it; if you created some cool-looking units, and somebody else decided to use them in a scenario that they were creating, how would you feel? Someone thought that the units you made were good enough to use in a scenario. This is not stealing and it is not an insult.

    Just go for it. People around here wait with baited breath for new scenarios, and the Turtledove stuff is really popular with some of them. I think that there was even a thread about that stuff on the OT some weeks ago. You might, however, take a look around before you do it. IIRC, it seems as if someone might have beaten you to the punch. Look through the scenarios on this site, then search some of the other Civ2 sites. Alternate futures are not unpopular themes for scenarios.

    Lost in America.
    "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
    "or a very good liar." --Stefu
    "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


    • #3
      I've been waiting for someone to make a scenario about this series of books. Good luck.
      Please Visit:

      And contribute if you can!


      • #4
        Rather then a map of the entire world, you'd probably be bettter off with a map of North America and Europe. There's a good one floating around called 'the Western World' that covers everything from the American Rockies to the Urals in Russia.

        If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error
        -John Kenneth Galbraith
        [This message has been edited by Case (edited April 29, 2001).]
        'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
        - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


        • #5
          Sure, you can use my map, but it is not done yet. Currently it is only half done because I had to re-do it, but, you can definately have it.

          I've never read the Great War series by Turtledove, but I am currently reading the third book of his Second War Alien Invasion. Has anyone read it, and should I possibly change the WW2 scenario I am making into a Turtledove scenario?

          "Every man dies, but not every man really lives."
          -William Wallace in Braveheart


          • #6
            I would sooner play a "Worldwar" scen than another WW2 one...


            • #7
              No way! You can never have enough WWII scenarios!
              I'm looking forward to this WWII scenario with the huge map, please finish it.
              The strategically impaired,


              • #8
                Thanx for the map Pap1723 it will be a great help. I did wonderif you had finnished the map because your thread just dried up. Anyway i was reading the books again and i dont think i should have the neutrals. Actually the sides are:
                USA, Germany and Austro Hungary
                CSA, England, France, Russia, Japan.

                Now i was thinking should i incorporate Germany and Austro Hungary into one empire and use the Japs because they play a bigger part in the books than Austro Hungary. Or should i incorparate Austro and Germany into one and put the Japs under the neutrals because while they played a part it wasnt much. Feedback would be appreicated.

                And Pap1723 the Alien invasion might be a bit hard to do. The aliens have such mighty equipment (think USA 1990's forces) but with added extras that it would be almost impossible to beat. The only thing humans had going for them was tactics and survival skills and i think this would be too hard to impliment. I mean go ahead if you want but it seems like a project too far for me.
                Lizard Tank (20/15/5) against German Panzer III (9/4/2)
                the german panzer aint going to win.
                Although i suppose you could have terrain giving minuses to defense but that would still make the scenario too hard.
                Anyway id stick with a WW2 scenario if i were you.
                Thats it guys thanx for the feedback

                I am the LORD OF STRONDAR
                Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                • #9
                  Actually the sides are
                  USA, Germany, Austro Hungary
                  CSA, England, France, Canada, Russia, Japan
                  so theres nine civs for me to juggle into seven.

                  Ok. Lets see i could mould germany and austro hungary together and i could mold England and france together/ england and canada. Which idea do you think is the best and any ideas of your own i will be happy to listen too

                  I am the LORD OF STRONDAR
                  Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                  "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                  • #10
                    Where would i find this western world map but i really want the pacific as well seeing as theres an attack on Pearl harbour....
                    But thanx anyway
                    Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                    "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                    • #11
                      Alright there Gary! How`s you doing?
                      "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

                      Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


                      • #12
                        Combine Germany and Austria-Hungary, so that makes the Central Powers.

                        Central Powers & United States of America


                        Then either:
                        1.) Combine England and France. European Allied Powers.
                        2.) Combine England and Canada. The Commonwealth.
                        3.) Combine Russia and Japan (though cultures are very different, and thus I would not suggest it as much as the previous two). Asian Allied Powers.

                        Just some suggestions.
                        Please Visit:

                        And contribute if you can!


                        • #13
                          Im alright thanx paul.
                          Im definately combining Germany and Austro Hungary to form the central powers. However wether to combine france and britain or canada and britain is the question. Because in the books all of canada is conquered by the USA so if canada was a seperate country it would cease to exist so i might do the commonwealth countries. In fact i will do that. France will have to cope on its own
                          So the final sides

                          Central Powers & USA
                          CSA, England/Canada, France, Russia, Japan.

                          Right thanx for that i probably would have figured it out anyway but hey thanx

                          Another problem is the population thus the city sizes.
                          canada in this has a population of 8million
                          The CSA has one of 30million
                          USa has a population of 80million people which outweighs both canada and the CSA by 2:1
                          So the USA cities will have a lot more production than both canada and CSA cities which will make carrying the war on easier. While this is what happens in the books it wouldnt make a good game so any suggestions?
                          Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                          "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                          • #14
                            To balance out the production in the cities, use industry in place of mining or something like that, and you can place them on cities that need higher production. Just make the industry give 10-20 shields a turn.

                            That tip was courtesy of Captain Nemo in 2194 Days War.

                            "Every man dies, but not every man really lives."
                            -William Wallace in Braveheart

