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Partial Movement

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  • Partial Movement

    In my scenario I have a road modifier of: 2.
    When I enter 172 in movement for a unit (this would suposedly give it 1 and 1/3 moves) it gets 44 moves in the game, have anyone tried to give partial movement to a unit when the road multiplier is 2?
    No Fighting here, this is the war room!

  • #2
    You can't do it with road modifier 2.

    actual move=((r*move) mod 128)/r, where r is the road modifier, move is the move value in rules.txt.

    r=3, move=172, actual move=((3*172) mod 128)/3 = (516 mod 128)/3 = 4/3,
    r=3, move=343, actual move=((3*343) mod 128)/3 = (1029 mod 128)/3= 5/3.

    Since 128 is a motiplyer of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64, you cannot get partial move if your r is one of the above numbers. Unless, the game can read 1.5 from rules.txt.


    • #3
      With a total movement of 1/3 (Move 43, RM=3), what happens to the units?

      Can they only move on roads and rivers? A unit down to 1/3 move point will typically not be able to move from a road square to a non-road square... but on the other hand units seem always to be able to move a least one square.
      Which Civ-rule takes precedence?


      • #4
        Usually when you have a unit whit 1/3 movement left (happens when you walk on raod or river as you said yourself) you can sometimes move to a new tile and sometimes not, I would guess the chance of moving to a new tile would be 1/3 of the times.
        This probably applies to a unit that starts out whit this many moves to.
        No Fighting here, this is the war room!


        • #5
          One more thing. When playing Imperial Rome, a 5/3 move unit would have move 2 sometimes (which is greater than 5/3!), when it has lost some blood in battle. That's interesting.


          • #6

            Originally posted by Henrik on 03-21-2001 04:38 AM
            In my scenario I have a road modifier of: 2.
            When I enter 172 in movement for a unit (this would suposedly give it 1 and 1/3 moves) it gets 44 moves in the game, have anyone tried to give partial movement to a unit when the road multiplier is 2?

            It is not possible to get a third of a movement point when your road modifier is 2. If fact your can not get a partial movement factor with any number divisible by 2.

            I hate to correct the mighty Xin Yu but, the formula should be mod 256 not 128. The reason being that numbers between 128 and 255 produce a negative hexidecimal value resulting in a unit with no movement allowance at all.


            • #7

              Originally posted by William Keenan on 03-21-2001 07:34 PM
              It is not possible to get a third of a movement point when your road modifier is 2. If fact your can not get a partial movement factor with any number divisible by 2.

              I figured as much myself, but I had hoped that you guys would have found a way to do it...
              Too bad, I really needed a unit whit 1 1/2 moves (sould have been called Rackoczy(a transylvanian duke who had his army drawn by oxes rather than horses making his troups very slow))
              No Fighting here, this is the war room!

