I'm starting to play Nemo's great American Civil War scenario and have these initial questions:
1) It is stated that you need to play Union at King and Confederate at Deity, otherwise it's too easy. Is the Union playable at Emperor or Deity?
2) I noticed that Darwin, with its two free advances, is available to build. Would it be cheating to build this?
3) When I play a scenario like this, I keep a detailed log of casualties by type, for all sides. The only way it can be shown is to have an embassy with the enemy. I did this for that purpose only. Will this cause any problems with the scenario?
4) I noticed that the sceanrio is set up to allow Union cities to grow agressively. Will reassigning workers away from food, thus reducing (or stopping) the cities' growth rate, cause any problems with the scenario?
1) It is stated that you need to play Union at King and Confederate at Deity, otherwise it's too easy. Is the Union playable at Emperor or Deity?
2) I noticed that Darwin, with its two free advances, is available to build. Would it be cheating to build this?
3) When I play a scenario like this, I keep a detailed log of casualties by type, for all sides. The only way it can be shown is to have an embassy with the enemy. I did this for that purpose only. Will this cause any problems with the scenario?
4) I noticed that the sceanrio is set up to allow Union cities to grow agressively. Will reassigning workers away from food, thus reducing (or stopping) the cities' growth rate, cause any problems with the scenario?