I hope to send the first two parts of Kyokujitsu to my playtesters sometime tomorrow night.
Here's the rough draft of the first part's event file (I'm still working on it)--drool is appreciated
Don't take a peek if you want to be surprised when you play...
Here's the rough draft of the first part's event file (I'm still working on it)--drool is appreciated

Don't take a peek if you want to be surprised when you play...

;------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Events file for Kyokujitsu ; ; By: DarthVeda ; December 24, 2000 ; Version 1.0 ; Events for July - September 1937 ; ;------------------------------------------------------------ @BEGINEVENTS @DEBUG @INITFLAG ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Japanese Requesition Events ; ; The following events will allow the Japanese player to ; acquire additional units ; ;------------------------------------------------------------ @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJA technology=87 @THEN CreateUnit owner=IJA unit=Nipponese Count=3 veteran=No homecity=Tokyo locations 78,80,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJA technology=86 @THEN CreateUnit owner=IJA unit=Nipponese Count=3 veteran=No homecity=Tokyo locations 78,80,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJA technology=85 @THEN CreateUnit owner=IJA unit=Nipponese Count=2 veteran=No homecity=Tokyo locations 78,80,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJA technology=83 @THEN CreateUnit owner=IJA unit=Nipponese veteran=No homecity=Tokyo locations 78,80,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJA technology=87 @THEN ChangeMoney receiver=IJA amount=-45 TakeTechnology whom=IJA Collapse technology=87 @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJA technology=86 @THEN ChangeMoney receiver=IJA amount=-45 @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJA technology=85 @THEN ChangeMoney receiver=IJA amount=-45 @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJA technology=83 @THEN ChangeMoney receiver=IJA amount=-45 @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJA technology=90 @THEN CreateUnit owner=IJA unit=Ki-10 Perry veteran=No homecity=Tokyo locations 78,80,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJA technology=90 @THEN ChangeMoney receiver=IJA amount=-80 TakeTechnology whom=IJA technology=90 @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJA technology=91 @THEN CreateUnit owner=IJA unit=Artillery veteran=No homecity=Tokyo locations 78,80,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJA technology=91 @THEN CreateUnit owner=IJA unit=Armored Infantry veteran=No homecity=Tokyo locations 78,80,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJA technology=91 @THEN ChangeMoney receiver=IJA amount=-50 TakeTechnology whom=IJA technology=91 @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJA technology=99 @THEN CreateUnit owner=IJA unit=Transport veteran=No homecity=Tokyo locations 78,80,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJA technology=99 @THEN ChangeMoney receiver=IJA amount=-80 TakeTechnology whom=IJA technology=99 @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJN technology=87 @THEN CreateUnit owner=IJN unit=Marines Count=2 veteran=No homecity=Hiroshima locations 57,71,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJN technology=86 @THEN CreateUnit owner=IJN unit=Marines Count=2 veteran=No homecity=Hiroshima locations 57,71,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJN technology=85 @THEN CreateUnit owner=IJN unit=Marines veteran=No homecity=Hiroshima locations 57,71,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJN technology=83 @THEN CreateUnit owner=IJN unit=Marines veteran=No homecity=Hiroshima locations 57,71,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJN technology=87 @THEN ChangeMoney receiver=IJN amount=-45 TakeTechnology whom=IJN Collapse technology=87 @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJN technology=86 @THEN ChangeMoney receiver=IJN amount=-45 @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJN technology=85 @THEN ChangeMoney receiver=IJN amount=-45 @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJN technology=83 @THEN ChangeMoney receiver=IJN amount=-45 @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJN technology=90 @THEN CreateUnit owner=IJN unit=A2N1 veteran=No homecity=Hiroshima locations 57,71,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJN technology=90 @THEN ChangeMoney receiver=IJN amount=-80 TakeTechnology whom=IJN technology=90 @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJN technology=91 @THEN CreateUnit owner=IJN unit=Artillery veteran=No homecity=Hiroshima locations 57,71,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJN technology=91 @THEN ChangeMoney receiver=IJN amount=-45 TakeTechnology whom=IJN technology=91 @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJN technology=92 @THEN CreateUnit owner=IJN unit=G3M3 Nell veteran=No homecity=Hiroshima locations 57,71,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJN technology=92 @THEN ChangeMoney receiver=IJN amount=-120 TakeTechnology whom=IJN technology=92 @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJN technology=93 @THEN CreateUnit owner=IJN unit=D1A2 Susie veteran=No homecity=Hiroshima locations 57,71,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJN technology=93 @THEN ChangeMoney receiver=IJN amount=-100 TakeTechnology whom=IJN technology=93 @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJN technology=94 @THEN JustOnce Delay delay=9 CreateUnit owner=IJN unit=Fleet Carrier veteran=No homecity=Hiroshima locations 57,71,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF ReceivedTechnology receiver=IJN technology=94 @THEN ChangeMoney receiver=IJN amount=-1000 TakeTechnology whom=IJN technology=94 @ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; Historical Events ; ; The following events help carve history through China ; ;------------------------------------------------------------ @IF CityTaken city=Peiping attacker=IJA defender=Chinese @THEN Text ^With the fall of Peiping the Japanese touch off ^the second Sino-Japanese conflict. The city is ^lightly defended and falls without much of a fight. ^ ^Peiping, soon renamed Peking by the Japanese ^conquerors, falls with no attrocities committed by ^the occuping army. Japanese High Command commends ^Generals Kotouki and Kawakishi for their soldiers ^Discipline. EndText @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Shanghai attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN Text ^The best trained troops in China prove to be ^no match for the might of the Imperial Japanese ^Army. After months of fighting the International ^city finally falls to the invading armies of Japan. ^ ^China has exhausted its best troops for naut. Nothing ^now stands between Japan and the capture of Nanking, ^the capitol of China. EndText @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=1 @THEN Text ^Further south toward the city of Shanghai, Japanese ^troops encounter massive resistance in and outside ^the city as Chiang Kai-Shek pours his best German- ^trained troops into the defense of the city in hopes ^of impressing the foreign delegates of the city enough ^to convince their governments to intervene on China's ^behalf. ^ ^In a twist of fate, the Chinese air force, in one of ^it's rare appearances during the war, attempts to bomb ^Japanese cruisers outside of Shanghai. Missing, the bombs ^are accidentally dropped on the foreign part of the city. ^The western powers are most unimpressed with the Chinese. ^ ^Japanese generals have noted that it will be impossible ^to take Nanking without first securing the port of Shanghai. ^The small garrison at Shanghai will need to be reinforced ^if it is to be successful. endtext @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=1 @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Chinese Elite Count=2 veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 30,48,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=2 @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Cavalry Count=4 veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 28,42,1 26,44,1 24,46,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=2 @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Chinese Elite Count=2 veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 30,48,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=1 @THEN Text ^In the North, the Chinese resistance in the Yellow ^river valley proves to be tenacious after the fall ^of Peiping rallies the Chinese towards the South. ^ ^A new danger faces the occupying Japanese, as they ^skirt the boundaries of Communist territory. Japanese ^soldiers now face the combined threat of Communist ^guerillas and Kuomintang warlord armies. ^ ^It will be hard to press on and capture the river ^junction at Suchow without first cutting off its ^supply lines through the North at Tsining and Licheng endtext @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=0 @AND UnitKilled unit=Chinese Regulars attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Chinese Irregulars Count=1 veteran=No homecity=None locations 41,25,1 39,25,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=0 @AND UnitKilled unit=Chinese Irregulars attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Chinese Irregulars Count=1 veteran=No homecity=None locations 41,25,1 39,25,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=1 @AND UnitKilled unit=Chinese Regulars attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Chinese Irregulars Count=1 veteran=No homecity=None locations 39,25,1 39,27,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=1 @AND UnitKilled unit=Chinese Irregulars attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Chinese Irregulars Count=1 veteran=No homecity=None locations 39,25,1 39,27,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=2 @AND UnitKilled unit=Chinese Regulars attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Chinese Irregulars Count=1 veteran=No homecity=None locations 39,27,1 38,28,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=2 @AND UnitKilled unit=Chinese Irregulars attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Chinese Irregulars Count=1 veteran=No homecity=None locations 39,27,1 38,28,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=Every @THEN CreateUnit Randomize owner=Chinese unit=Chinese Irregulars Count=2 veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 42,22,1 40,26,1 45,25,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=Every @THEN CreateUnit Randomize owner=Chinese unit=Guerillas Count=2 veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 33,25,1 37,23,1 40,20,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Shanghai attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN Text ^The best trained troops in China prove to be ^no match for the might of the Imperial Japanese ^Army. After months of fighting the International ^city finally falls to the invading armies of Japan. ^ ^China has exhausted its best troops for naut. Nothing ^now stands between Japan and the capture of Nanking, ^the capitol of China. EndText Flag who=Chinese state=On flag=0 @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Nanking attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN Text ^With the fall of Nanking, comes possibly one of the ^worst single attrocities comitted during the entire ^war. In what becomes known as the massacre, or more ^popularly, the Rape of Nanking, thousands of Chinese ^civilians are abused physically and sexually in a ^bloodbath that lasts more than a week. Japanese, ^celebrating their conquest of the capitol of China ^after a long and hard campaign through middle China, ^plunder the city and abuse its citizens for pleasure. ^ ^Soldiers rape women on street corners and in their own ^homes. Men and women alike are taken for target practice ^or are used as Japanese slaves. Over fifty thousand people ^are slaughtered by the Japanese during the ordeal. All ^sorts of methods of brutality are used, as Japanese Soldiers ^practice their swordsmanship in mutilating innoent Chinese. EndText @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Nanking attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN Text ^As the week wears on in Nanking, the U.S.S. Panay, a United ^States gunboat cruising the adjacent Yangzte, is attacked ^and sunk by Japanese warplanes. An infuriated United States ^nearly goes to war with Japan over the matter, the Ludlow ^resolution failing by a mere 21 votes in the U.S. Congress. ^Many Japanese go to the U.S. embassy in Tokyo to express ^regret for the destruction of the Panay. ^ ^High Command views this operation as a strategic success ^but a diplomatic nightmare. They advise you to discipline ^your soldiers better in the future. ^ ^The operation was not a complete disaster, as 750 Industrial ^Points were requesitioned from your quick capture of the ^Chinese capitol. Nanking's armory and all kinds of stores ^were taken before the Kuomintang had the time to secure them ^and withdraw them. EndText @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Nanking attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN Text ^In a reated note, the Chinese have begun to move their war ^effort hundreds of miles upstream to Chunking. The majority ^of Chinese industry and government now resides hundreds of ^miles away from the front lines. Be that as it may, the ^Chinese army, and especially the Guerillas and Partisans ^already in the area present a credible threat until the ^strength can be gathered to continue the offensive into ^mainland China. EndText @ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Events dealing with the fall of Suchow ; ; The following events will put a big flood in China [img]http://apolyton.net/forums/smile.gif[/img] ; ;------------------------------------------------------------ @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN Text ^With the capture of Suchow, the bitterly fought Yellow River ^vally campaign has come to an end. Rather than let the ^whole of southern China fall to the advancing Japanese ^army, Chiang has ordered the dikes along the Yellow River ^to be blown! ^ ^Water, spilling over the banks completely alters the course ^of the river, killing thousands and completing flooding the ^area for what will likely be months. EndText @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN ChangeTerrain Map=1 terraintype=1 maprect 24,28,24,28,24,28,24,28 @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN ChangeTerrain Map=1 terraintype=1 maprect 25,29,25,29,25,29,25,29 @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN ChangeTerrain Map=1 terraintype=1 maprect 26,30,26,30,26,30,26,30 @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN ChangeTerrain Map=1 terraintype=1 maprect 27,31,27,31,27,31,27,31 @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN ChangeTerrain Map=1 terraintype=1 maprect 28,32,28,32,28,32,28,32 @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN ChangeTerrain Map=1 terraintype=1 maprect 29,33,29,33,29,33,29,33 @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN ChangeTerrain Map=1 terraintype=1 maprect 31,33,31,33,31,33,31,33 @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN ChangeTerrain Map=1 terraintype=1 maprect 35,35,35,35,35,35,35,35 @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN ChangeTerrain Map=1 terraintype=1 maprect 36,36,36,36,36,36,36,36 @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN ChangeTerrain Map=1 terraintype=1 maprect 38,36,38,36,38,36,38,36 @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN ChangeTerrain Map=1 terraintype=1 maprect 40,36,40,36,40,36,40,36 @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN ChangeTerrain Map=1 terraintype=1 maprect 42,36,42,36,42,36,42,36 @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN ChangeTerrain Map=1 terraintype=1 maprect 43,37,43,37,43,37,43,37 @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN ChangeTerrain Map=1 terraintype=10 maprect 23,31,23,31,23,31,23,31 @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN ChangeTerrain Map=1 terraintype=10 maprect 24,32,24,32,24,32,24,32 @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN ChangeTerrain Map=1 terraintype=10 maprect 24,34,24,34,24,34,24,34 @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN ChangeTerrain Map=1 terraintype=10 maprect 24,36,24,36,24,36,24,36 @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN ChangeTerrain Map=1 terraintype=10 maprect 25,37,25,37,25,37,25,37 @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN ChangeTerrain Map=1 terraintype=10 maprect 25,39,25,39,25,39,25,39 @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 24,28,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 25,29,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 26,30,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 27,30,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 29,31,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 28,33,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 31,31,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 30,32,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 29,33,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 31,33,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 33,33,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 31,35,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 31,37,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 30,36,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 29,35,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 28,34,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 27,33,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 25,33,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 26,34,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 27,35,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 25,33,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 28,36,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 29,37,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 30,38,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 25,35,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 26,36,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 28,38,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 29,39,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 26,38,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 27,39,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 28,40,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 29,41,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 28,43,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 33,37,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 33,35,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 34,35,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 35,35,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 36,36,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 36,34,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 38,36,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 39,37,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 39,35,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 40,36,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 41,37,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 42,36,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 43,37,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 44,38,1 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CityTaken city=Suchow attacker=Anybody defender=Chinese @THEN CreateUnit owner=Chinese unit=Deluge veteran=Yes homecity=None locations 27,31,1 endlocations @ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; File Change Statement ; ; The part of the program where we make the User work for ; their enjoyment [img]http://apolyton.net/forums/smile.gif[/img] ; ;------------------------------------------------------------ @IF Turn turn=3 @AND CheckFlag who=Chinese flag=0 state=On @THEN Text ^High command congratulates you on your capture of Shanghai ^before the fall of Winter and before Chiang Kai-Shek could ^reinforce his positions around his capitol. They have ^decided that your services as commander are definately ^what is needed at the front lines. ^ ^Congratulations--you have successfully completed part one ^of Kyokujitsu! Before you make any more moves, you need ^to save your game as "k.sav" and run k.bat in the ^Kyokujitsu directory. Once you have loaded part TWO, ^you may load the save game "k.sav" and continue on. EndText @ENDIF @IF Turn turn=3 @AND CheckFlag who=chinese flag=0 state=Off @THEN Text ^High command is disgusted that your forces have been unable ^to secure Shanghai from the Chinese. Furthermore your lack ^of resolve has convinced foreign powers to intervene on ^behalf of the Chinese. Japanese soldiers in Manchuria begin ^to dig trenches for the winter as soldiers in Shanghai pull ^out and the Kuomintang reinforce the Yellow River valley. ^ ^High command has decided to rescind your command over Japanese ^operations. YOU HAVE BEEN RELIEVED. ^ ^Unfortunately, you have lost the first part of Kyokujitsu. But, ^you can always go back and try again! endtext EndGame endscreens=No @ENDIF @ENDEVENTS