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New SLeague Review Form

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  • New SLeague Review Form

    Ok, here's the preliminary layout for the new review form. I've added a lot of explanatory info, a blank form (so you don't have to delete all the explanatory info I put in) and removed/added a cuple of things.

    You can download it here.

    Please post any comments/suggestions/improvements and the ilk here and i'll get another more refined version up ASAP.

    I've got an awful case of the flu right now and will be away for a couple of days. *grumbles*

    Till then, TTYAL.

    The Arabic CivII Site

    "Why are Muslims better than Jews you ask? Haven't you people ever heard of harems?"


  • #2

    Thanks for all of your effort here - a step in the right direction.

    To get the ball rolling, I suppose two things spring to mind;

    (a.) Further clarification of the scoring system could be included here. What does an 'overall' score of 20/30 actually mean? If you give a 10/10 - does it mean 'perfection' or 'very, very good'? What to do about a scenario that has great artwork 'borrowed' from elsewhere vs. one which has ordinary quality but original graphics?

    (b.) Recommendations for improvement - I think this is one of the strengths of the whole process. Most scenario reviews lately come with a 'conclusion' narrative at the end, which is often as, if not more valuable than the bulk of the review itself. The reviewer should be urged to forward creative suggestions for improvement.


    • #3
      Only one reply! I'm insulted!!!

      No prob Cam, maybe once I get the review form done I can finally submit some reviews myself.


      (a.) Further clarification of the scoring system could be included here. What does an 'overall' score of 20/30 actually mean? If you give a 10/10 - does it mean 'perfection' or 'very, very good'?

      I can probably add a small table for this and/or seperate the categories more. My personal feeling would be to remove the 10/10 style alltogether and use a stand 1 to 10 scoring system whereas 10 is the best and 1 the worst. What do you think?


      What to do about a scenario that has great artwork 'borrowed' from elsewhere vs. one which has ordinary quality but original graphics?

      IIRC, there are already two categories covering this. One states is the artwork is good, the other states if if was or was not borrowed/copied from other scenarios.


      (b.) Recommendations for improvement - I think this is one of the strengths of the whole process. Most scenario reviews lately come with a 'conclusion' narrative at the end, which is often as, if not more valuable than the bulk of the review itself. The reviewer should be urged to forward creative suggestions for improvement.

      Oh yes, how could I forget this category!!!

      I'll add all this stuff in version 2.5 but i'd like to get a few more comments/opinions and suggestions on this before I make the changes.


      • #4

        Originally posted by WarVoid on 12-13-2000 03:52 PM
        My personal feeling would be to remove the 10/10 style alltogether and use a stand 1 to 10 scoring system whereas 10 is the best and 1 the worst. What do you think?

        I think you'd end up with a lot of 7's.

        I'd be inclined to retain the 'out-of-30' system for consistency's sake if nothing else, but I'm more than happy to bow to the will of the masses.

        fyi - I think I've mentioned this elsewhere, but I tend to use the following thumbnail guide for overall score;

        Less than 15 - Problems
        15-20 - Workable scenario but lame in parts
        20.5-25 - Good quality scenario worth repeat plays
        Greater than 25 - Top notch, 'leadership' qualities


        • #5
          I'll give you some comments, I promise!!
          To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

          From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


          • #6

            Still no comments and suggestions?

            tsk tsk tsk.....


            • #7
              Just downloaded the new review form. Seems fine to me, only one question: I thought the overall score goes up to 30, not only to 10 as in the review form?



              • #8
                BeBro, not sure about the 30 thing, I thought it was always 10.

                *BUMP for Kull*


                • #9


                  Was there something I was supposed to do.......hmmmm??

                  To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                  From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise

