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Somali Civil War Scenario v1.1

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  • Somali Civil War Scenario v1.1

    I had shelved this project for a few months, but I thought it was worth reviving, so I did. I have created version 1.1 of my Somali Civil War scenario, and I think it is actually an above-average scenario in terms of gameplay, and my new graphics aren't as bad as one might expect from a newbie scenario creator. Download it at
    I recommend playing Ali Mahdi's SSA for a real challenge!

    Curumbor Elendil
    ICQ 56126989
    Curumbor Elendil
    ICQ 56126989

  • #2
    Perhaps I was a bit too modest in announcing this. It is a really good scenario: check it out and post what you think!

    Curumbor Elendil
    ICQ 56126989
    Curumbor Elendil
    ICQ 56126989


    • #3
      My Review of Somali Civil War:

      It really is a nice little scenario, and I'd have to give it a B-. Which is pretty good as first scenarios go. I played as the SSA faction at Deity, and wound up with a Marginal Defeat. Mostly because by the time I realized I'd run out of time....I'd run out of time!

      As the author states, gameplay is quick and you can complete (if not win) in a few hours. Several of the units are new and the art is pretty good. Although it comes without sounds, the author has positioned his units so they use the default sounds, and the results are quite tanks attack to the sound of galloping hooves! The events are mostly news bulletins, with few noticeable impacts on gameplay.

      There are several very discordant elements however. The Somalis can build Tanks and large Naval vessels and some factions (although not mine) could produce helicopters and paratroopers). To say this is "not historical" would be an understatement! The author encourages you to attack the UN, but I'd recommend against it. They have some rather powerful units, started off as my allies (thank god!), and they control none of the Objectives I had to capture, so that didn't make much sense. There are quite a few recycled units and almost all the city improvement icons are standard. About half the terrain is new, but cities are all "modern" style, even those which should be villages. There is effectively no science (I researched no techs), but it's apparently quite easy to get ahold of those you shouldn't have. This is very easy to prevent (via the no,no tech), so it's a shame that wasn't done. And the readme is rather sparse.

      That said, I left my first game thinking "OK, one more try at this and I'll really kick butt". Not many "first" scenarios leave you with that feeling, so that offsets many of the otherwise irritating flaws. All-in-all, not bad for a "newbie designer"!
      To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

      From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


      • #4

        Originally posted by Kull on 12-06-2000 11:15 PM
        There are several very discordant elements however. The Somalis can build Tanks and large Naval vessels and some factions (although not mine) could produce helicopters and paratroopers). To say this is "not historical" would be an understatement!

        Actually, no factions are supposed to have helicopters and paratroopers: only the UN. If that happened, it's a bug that must have crept in during my last revision.

        However, Somali factions actually did have limited access to tanks and naval units: that is not unrealistic! However, I've made them expensive enough that it's not in your interests to build many of them.


        The author encourages you to attack the UN, but I'd recommend against it. They have some rather powerful units, started off as my allies (thank god!), and they control none of the Objectives I had to capture, so that didn't make much sense.

        Ah, that's a misunderstanding. Attacking the UN is not a good idea, but it is a good idea to hold your own against them because they will attack you!


        There are quite a few recycled units and almost all the city improvement icons are standard. About half the terrain is new, but cities are all "modern" style, even those which should be villages. There is effectively no science (I researched no techs), but it's apparently quite easy to get ahold of those you shouldn't have. This is very easy to prevent (via the no,no tech), so it's a shame that wasn't done. And the readme is rather sparse.

        There should be no way to get ahold of techs you don't have. There are no diplomatic units, and you don't get tech from conquest. I request in the readme that you not get them in negotiations. The reason I didn't make the techs "no,no" was that I wanted you to be able to look at them in the Civilopedia.

        Curumbor Elendil
        ICQ 56126989
        Curumbor Elendil
        ICQ 56126989


        • #5
          Oh, heh heh, I forgot about where I recommend killing aid workers for the money! I'll revise that to include a warning about the UN's power.

          Curumbor Elendil

          ICQ 56126989
          Curumbor Elendil

          ICQ 56126989

