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Kyokujitsu release estimate

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  • Kyokujitsu release estimate

    My next scenario, Kyokujitsu, is about Japan in WWII (1937-1945).

    I'm betting on a Christmas Eve release (exactly two years from my Wing Commander scenario).

  • #2
    Yay! This is one small step for Civ, one giant leap for TOT...

    Webmaster of Shadowstrike's Civilization II Site
    Emperor of The Gamer's Abode Forums
    *grumbles about work*


    • #3
      This reminds me of Command & Conquer 2 when the release date kept getting pushed back and back and back and...


      • #4
        I could release it today if you really wanted.

        But oh wait... it wouldn't be done!


        • #5
          Yeah... there's always something about that stupid technicality... I can predict the next estimated release date if you want! Hmm... Probably around Valentines... following this nasty habit of choosing holidays and specials days for tentative release dates. But God, you know most of us are really dying to get a hold of this scenario... it's just a pain to wait! God!


          • #6
            I'll let you in on a secret: if you sign up to playtest scenarios, and offer some advice, you get to play scenarios quite a while before the other players do. There are quite a few threads on that here

            -KhanMan the masked playtester

            PS. You might ask the creator of Multiverse, for instance, if they need another playtester...
            Odin, Thor, and Loki walk into a bar together...


            • #7
              Hey! Thanks for the "tip"! I had no idea!
              Sheesh. Playing a scenario is one thing. Playtesting it is another. Like... work. Ew.


              • #8
                But it's fun! You get to yell at the designer, and tell him/her to add all sorts of things...

                Or, if you prefer, you get to kiss up, and the designer might let you borrow some units later on, or, *gasp*, put your name in credits...

                Odin, Thor, and Loki walk into a bar together...

