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City graphics

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  • City graphics

    Hi everyone!
    One day I was changing city sizes using the cheat menu to determine when a city changes graphic (from cities.bmp) and I got some big numbers, something like 5, 11, 20 (dont remember, but they were big)! I tried again some time later and I got the usual 3,5,7 or whatever. I dont remember what scenario or game type I used that first time, I believe it was in ToT.

    Is it possible to change the size numbers that changes the city graphic?
    Alexandre Madeira
    I create worlds. :)

  • #2
    I don´t think it´s really possible to change the size numbers that changes the city graphic.

    But I think the size changes if the civ has an "industrial" or an "modern" city style, for instance the cities of a civ with the city style in the modern slot needs bigger numbers to change the city graphics to the next size.

    With this in mind you can play around a bit with differnt sizes/graphics.



    • #3
      I think:

      Old Style:
      1-2: Small
      3-4: Medium
      5-7: Large
      8+: Very Large

      1-3: Small
      3-5: Medium
      6-10: Large
      11+: Very Large

      1-4: Small
      5-10: Medium
      11-18: Large
      19+: Very Large

      I'm not positive on these numbers, but it's something very close. The capital, of course, is always one bigger than it would normally be, but only for the human civilization.


      • #4
        Thanks guys!
        I havent tested your answer yet, but im sure that must be right. Thanks!
        Alexandre Madeira
        I create worlds. :)


        • #5
          But also, in ToT ectended at least, there is a "Rennaissance" city graphic. This graphic follows the Modern set from above: 1-4, etc..
          [This message has been edited by Eternal (edited November 06, 2000).]

