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  • Menu.txt

    Is it possible to edit this file? I`ve tried to but without any success, and I`d really like to change the options on it (I`ve going to use it in conjunction with Allard`s text commands file to produce some pretty unique features in a scenario I`m working on).

    From the poster formerly known as Paul Hanson.

  • #2
    You can only change the wording in the menu.txt with success. You cannot remove orders. If you remove orders the game will fall back on the original menu.txt. Change that and nothing happens at all.

    I tried to do that myself some time ago without any success. I wanted to delte the order for settlers to build cities. Didn't work as the rest.

    Mathias' Civ II Page
    The Lost Geologist Blog


    • #3
      Oh, I should have mentioned; I don`t want to remove items from it, I just want to change the wording on it. However, I can`t even do that. I`ve tried changing the file in both the scenario drawer and the main Civ2 directory, but without success. It`s really starting to gripe my scrotes, if you`ll pardon the expression.


      • #4
        Hmm, I think labels.txt contains the real menu items but I could be wrong.

        St. Leo
        Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


        • #5
          Hedrik, Capt. Nemo managed to remove the "build city" order in SF, you might find how to do it there.

          I haven't been seriously working on a scenario for a while, I've just be fooling around with the tools, trying to figure out how things work. Some are pretty obvious, but if you think hard enough, you can use Civ2 to create some wonderous effects for new scenarios...

          Webmaster of Shadowstrike's Civilization II Site
          Emperor of The Gamer's Abode Forums
          *grumbles about work*


          • #6
            I guess it was wishfull thinking of me. I just tried it and you are right. Damn...

            Ans Shadowstrike, how did he do that? I really need to take those files apart...

            Mathias' Civ II Page
            The Lost Geologist Blog


            • #7
              Leo: Labels.txt contains the orders from the orders menu, but nothing from any of the others.

              Nemo hasn`t managed to remove the build city command, he`s just changed what comes up when you press B to build a city. It says "Do you want to destroy this game: Yes/No". Typing something in will create a city with that name.

