Check these out, the first shows you the much improved graphics in the Earth map, no more dark blurred graphics, and I cant just make the terrain?.bmp available for download because I changed the terrains, so I may make a mod pack similiar to my last AGM3 Gold but for ToT with the new graphics, after im done with this scenario.
The second picture shows how I did the solar map, each solar system is inside a "square" of impassable terrain, to move from solar system to solar system, "sea" ships will have to transport to a 4th map, the star map where there's nothing but the stars, then transport back to the 3rd map.
I need help, someone to handle the events, anyone?
The second picture shows how I did the solar map, each solar system is inside a "square" of impassable terrain, to move from solar system to solar system, "sea" ships will have to transport to a 4th map, the star map where there's nothing but the stars, then transport back to the 3rd map.
I need help, someone to handle the events, anyone?
