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Pictures of a ToT Earth - Space scenario under development

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  • Pictures of a ToT Earth - Space scenario under development

    Check these out, the first shows you the much improved graphics in the Earth map, no more dark blurred graphics, and I cant just make the terrain?.bmp available for download because I changed the terrains, so I may make a mod pack similiar to my last AGM3 Gold but for ToT with the new graphics, after im done with this scenario.
    The second picture shows how I did the solar map, each solar system is inside a "square" of impassable terrain, to move from solar system to solar system, "sea" ships will have to transport to a 4th map, the star map where there's nothing but the stars, then transport back to the 3rd map.
    I need help, someone to handle the events, anyone?

    Alexandre Madeira
    I create worlds. :)

  • #2
    Looks great, I might have to get ToT now
    "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

    "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


    • #3
      It`s good to see that:

      a)There are people making scenarios for ToT
      b)Someone else other than me uses red borders on their windows. Good for you!
      "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

      Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


      • #4
        MOOjr 0.0 Alpha for ToT

        You may find it useful.

        St. Leo
        Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


        • #5
          Lol Paul! :-)
          Thanks Leo, thats cool, I'll check it out. The planets I used were taken from Microprose's Orion scenario, the star too, but I had to edit the colors to make 4 different colored stars. Dang, I wish I had that map over a year ago when I first thought of making a space scenario for Civ2 FW =] You had the patience of doing all those solar systems, I only did less than half and gave up, lol.
          Nice to see you here Leo, I dont see many old users posting anymore, I myself have been away for a long time.

          Alexandre Madeira
          I create worlds.

          Alexandre Madeira
          I create worlds. :)


          • #6
            Need help!
            Im trying to decide which civilizations to have in my scenario, I want it to start in the Roman era or after its fall, before feudalism. Problem is, the scenario is supposed to go on and on until we reach the stars, find an alien civilization, etc. If only we could change the civs names in the middle of the scenario, the problem would be half solved
            Ideas? Remember I only want 5 or 6 earth civs.

            Alexandre Madeira
            I create worlds.
            Alexandre Madeira
            I create worlds. :)


            • #7
              The Roman era!??!?! Jesus Christ, that`s a long time you`re talking about! You`ll never be able to accurately recreate that sort of time span using only 6 civs - the powers that controlled the world back at the time of Christ do not control it today. You really should think about setting it from the beginning of the 1800`s at the very earliest.
              "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

              Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


              • #8
                Sounds like a good idea but I have to agree with Paul. Starting from the Roman era wont do any good.
                The Lost Geologist Blog


                • #9
                  Yea, I guess you're right, if I start it in the roman era I'll have no choice but to make it hypothetical.
                  "What if Rome didnt fall?" :-)
                  Dont know, I'll have to think about it.

                  Alexandre Madeira
                  I create worlds.
                  Alexandre Madeira
                  I create worlds. :)


                  • #10
                    Just a small update.
                    I forgot the idea of starting the scenario in the post roman era, instead, im going to make it a MOD pack, allows you to start right from the beggining, but you'll only be able to play with ancient civilizations on earth, so if a civilization is destroyed, an alien civ will start in the other map.

                    Every time period is covered, starting with the bronze age, some civs will have certain bonuses, access to civ specific wonders, and units.

                    I'll also include a scenario that starts with the beggining of the roman civilization, with the world filled with civs from every civilization and barbarian.

                    After this mod pack is done, I'll create a scenario starting after the end of world war 2, with more modern and sci fi units, more detail, and some sci fi history with multiple alien civs, each one different.
                    Alexandre Madeira
                    I create worlds. :)

