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Lord of the Rings V4: Event.txt

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  • #76
    Sieve Too: I tried to use longboat chains to move hobbits to South. They should arrive on turn 4. Before that I use warships to attack Harad ships before they reach my shore. Gimli and Boromir can reach the carrock and Eagles' Eyrie as early as turn 4, faster than the hobbits. Boromir will free the units at the Carrock so I can move them to Hobbiton and disband them. Then I'll use the hobbits to replace Boromir and Gomli so they can move East to attack the Rhun. The Eagle city will be attacked by a lot of tough units so I use Gomli (defense 6) instead of Merry. Merry and Sam go north to eliminate the Mordor force there since you need to deal with them anyway. Radagast and Gwaihir will join them there. After they become vets they can launch attacks to occupy Mordor cities.

    Gandalf has another life so I let him attack on turn 3. I wish there are other ways to keep the Nazgul there for one more turn .
    [This message has been edited by Xin Yu (edited August 15, 2000).]


    • #77
      I just pulled new copies of some scenarios to stock my new PC and I got LotR version 4.0 which I think I got from either the Apoly database or St Leo's Zig. I must have had v1 or v2 before because this one looks totally different. But I have those non-restarting civ unconquerable islands to the southwest, so it must be 4.0. Do any of you know where v4.1 happens to reside?

      v4.0 is much more difficult than the old version that I had previously, I just ran the first turn yesterday and got butchered using my old version strategy. With the 2fp of most Mordor/Rhun/Harad units the pikeman bonus is negated, unless you are using them to defend against your own units. The extra landings around MT and weak defending terrain for Gondor mandates pillaging then evacuate to the cities and surrounding hills. 2x air for orcs limits the effectiveness of eagles and wizards, Mumakils don't get smacked by catapults anymore and Ents can't hitch a long boat ride to MT. Still a lot of extra city improvements that can be sold off... but every little bit helps.

      I can tell that I am going to have to give this version 4+ some time, but I might as well get v4.1.

      [This message has been edited by Sten Sture (edited September 16, 2000).]
      Be the bid!


      • #78
        1. Sieve Too, the Version on ACS in not 4.0 it is 4.1 or was 3 weeks ago when I download my copy.

        2. Xin, I can tell you that I Deity for LOR 4.1 you may want to rethink some of your strategy. If you keep churning out defensive units along the river you need to have something that can stand up to the armada of gallies that Mordor puts on the river. I made it to turn 10 or 11 before I messed up and moved the ring without waiting for Frodo. I lost a lot of cities, but at about turn 8 Harun went to war with Mordor and cleaned out a lot of my problems. One thing I'm going to try this next time is go get a settler into Eagles Eyre and Entwood as soon as possible. If you can't get those cities go grow faster then you spend all your gold building eagles and Ents and use up your support too fast.



        • #79
          I just DLed the ACS LotR file and it is v4, but it has the weird indestructable islands in the southwest. Is that v4.0 or 4.1?? The .scn file is dated 4/25/98 at 1:17am and the events.txt file is dated 4/5/98 3:55pm. Which version is this? Help.
          Be the bid!


          • #80
            Ken: not that river. I meant the rivers and sea of south which you can use to transport hobbits from hobbiton to MT. Your transports have a move rate of 8 so you don't need a lot of them.

            SS: you have V4.0. V4.1 does not have the small cities on the SW corner.


            • #81
              I just opened the version from Leo's site and it is v4 and it is missing the southwest islands, but the scn file is dated 4/20/98, as is the rules.txt.

              The ACS version (with SW islands) of the scn and rules are both dated 4/25/98.

              Unless I read Harlan & Lul's posts above incorrectly, it is not clear that v4.1 does't have the islands (even though Lul's statement of 8/10 implies that Harlan said that) and the later date would support the 4/25/98 files with the SW island cities.

              I'll look at the rules files and see what the differences are.

              *The April 20 no island version lists end tech prereqs as (no, no) and the April 25 island version has them listed as (Las, nil).

              [This message has been edited by Sten Sture (edited September 16, 2000).]
              Be the bid!


              • #82
                Well, I just tried the settler thing for assisting the Eagles and the Ents.

                1. Settlers gotta have big time support, e.g., tanks with AP sabot rounds and a couple of Missouris or Iowas for backup.
                2. Settlers are slow movers even with help from rivers. Orcs and Nuzgul are not.

                On the plus side I did find a non-hero unit that can toast an Offensive Orc. A vet catapult inside of a city wall and river defense bonus just barely survives if it attacks an Orc that also has a river bonus.

                Also, don't be dumb like someone, who will remain nameless, and forget that Faramir only has a defense of one and let him get stuck on the wrong side of the river at the end of his turn.


