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  • #16
    Allard, could you please copy your guide on the text boxes and post it here? It would be most helpful.
    *grumbles about work*


    • #17
      Ok, but instead of spoiling this thread, I'll just give a link instead:

      And here's the thread on hex-editing:


      • #18
        My tip is not to make historical scenarios. It` so much quicker to make everything up rather than research stuff
        "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

        Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


        • #19
          So, have you discovered anything new yet Allard? Thanks for the text box hints. I'm going to try it in my next (first) scenario.
          *grumbles about work*


          • #20
            Evil Capitalist,
            In general I only irrigate,road build, or mine build the actual squares in use by a city. That can turn out to be a lot of the map, but not usually the entire map!

            There is no tiddle-taddle nor pibble-pabble in Pompey's camp.
            "Cease fire! Please! Cease fire. What a dreadful waste of ammunition!" -- General Horatio Herbert Kitchener


            • #21
              Well, I have found this thread very useful. I just wish that I could find books with the images I would like. I'll have plenty to scan for my next scn. Thanks for the tips.

              Shogun of the Japanese
              Shogun of the Japanese


              • #22
                Thank goodness someone brought this up. All the scenario-building tips I need in one place. As to my scenario, it should be ready for playtesting in a couple of weeks.
                *grumbles about work*


                • #23
                  If you use FrontPage Express with the default empty square as the back ground, then skrink/enlarge the image as needed, you can get the diamond background onto the units. This of course depends on the fact that you saved the units on a .gif file with a pink (Civ-recognized) background. Dunno if this is helpful though.
                  *grumbles about work*


                  • #24
                    Does anybody have advice on setting the time line for a scenario in MPG? I've had to do a lot of complex calculations to get it right, then when I changed difficulty level it went haywire. I couldn't seem to get the start date in the scenario parameters to 2015. It kept going to 4000BC.

                    Shogun of the Japanese
                    Shogun of the Japanese


                    • #25
                      Kitana, you have mpg right...To fix your problem just turn your game into a scenario... OPen up scenario parameters.. Change turn year increment to 1....Starting year to 2015..... Maximum turns 300..... NOw open up editor from the main menu....toggle scenario flag and enter a code for your scenario....After that, the year changes to 2015 and you can save the scenario.....
                      Civfan (Warriorsoflight)


                      • #26

                        Originally posted by Civfan on 08-22-2000 05:31 AM
                        Kitana, you have mpg right...To fix your problem just turn your game into a scenario... OPen up scenario parameters.. Change turn year increment to 1....Starting year to 2015..... Maximum turns 300..... NOw open up editor from the main menu....toggle scenario flag and enter a code for your scenario....After that, the year changes to 2015 and you can save the scenario.....

                        Thanks for the tip, I got my scenario dates right, now. It sure is alot easier than what I was trying to do.

                        Shogun of the Japanese
                        Shogun of the Japanese


                        • #27
                          Civfan, thanks for the advice. I didn't realize I had to set the turn interval. But I got it working!

                          Shogun of the Japanese
                          Shogun of the Japanese


                          • #28

                            Thanks for the tip, I did figure it out after posting this (and a little bit of hair pulling ). I didn't realize that trying to use civ's standard turn rate meant I had to use the civ timeline. DOH!!!!

                            Shogun of the Japanese
                            Shogun of the Japanese


                            • #29
                              How weird... why haven't you mentioned the barbarian 0 movement settler unit trick ?
                              A barbarian unit ( with 0 movement points and defense factor more than 0 ), if killed, gives to attacker the same reward of a killed barbarian guide...

                              BTW, download Chung Kuo sceanrio from SLeague to see it in action...
                              [This message has been edited by Prometeus (edited August 23, 2000).]
                              "Io non volgo le spalle dinnanzi al nemico!!!" - il Conte di San Sebastiano al messo del comandante in capo, battaglia dell'Assietta
                              "E' più facile far passare un cammello per la cruna di un ago che un pensiero nel cervello di Bush!!!" - Zelig
                              "Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur


                              • #30
                                I think I'll have to talk with you about this Prometeus. I'm planning on using A LOT of barbarians in my current scenario. This sounds very appealing...

                                Shogun of the Japanese
                                Shogun of the Japanese

