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Civ2 website, English version...

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  • Civ2 website, English version...

    Ok, the English version of my website is now available via:

    Currently there is only one scn in English (Cross&Crescent), but it will be better in the future, and there are some graphics (units, icons) for free use...


  • #2
    Looks great. The link to the Roman scenario doesn't work yet so I suppose it will be coming out soon. Do you need a playtester? I'll do it.
    *grumbles about work*


    • #3
      Did you draw those units for Sub War; they look fantastic.
      [This message has been edited by PolarisGL (edited August 12, 2000).]
      Please Visit:

      And contribute if you can!


      • #4
        Shadowstrike, you´re welcome to test the English version, but I can´t say at the moment when it´s finished. I made some first tests with the German version, some things run fine, some not...
        The link works on the German pages and leads to V1.0, but this version is only in German, so I decided to remove the link for the English pages.

        And George, most of the units for Subwar I rendered with a 3D software, later resized and corrected them with a normal graphics software. I think they have a nice hitech look for a scifi scn. However, at this time I´ve more ideas for the Rome scn, so I think this will be available sooner.
        Oh, and the idea for my (not so big) MustPlay section is stolen from The North Star...

        [This message has been edited by BeBro (edited August 12, 2000).]


        • #5
          Well of course it is, Bernd.
          Please Visit:

          And contribute if you can!

