Just a little preview of Imperium Romanum 2.0. The basic idea is just the same as in V1.0: Starting only with Rome, and conquer the whole area around the Mediterrean (and a bit more, simply all cities) in 500 years.
But I´m still unsure about some details, and due to the limitations of civ, I´m afraid that I have to leave out too many things. For instance, in V1.0, I have as civs the Romans, Greeks, Macedonians, Persians, Carthagians, Germans and Gallics (or is it Gauls?). This is not bad for the start, but you can´t simulate some important changes in civ like the conquest of Asia by Alex the Great, the Hellenistic kingdoms after that or the fact that the Greeks in reality were independent Poleis, but not an united realm.
Currently I think I´ll summarize the Germans and the Gallics as Babarians, but I´m not sure what new civs I should include instead of these (now Barbarian) Germans and Gallics. Suggestions and comments are of course welcome.

The screenshot is made with the map of Cross&Crescent, but I´m searching for a better map, covering nearly the same areas as the little map in the upper left corner of the screenshot (perhaps a bit more space in the east and in the west).
The graphics in the game will also look a bit better, because this screenshot is converted from an 24bit image (with a little loss of quality).
