Here I'm presenting a preview of a project I have been working on for about 2 years [at least if you count in all remakes and early tries
]. It is currently being play-tested, and I regret for now it's only available in German, but I hope I will be able to offer an English version a few weeks, but the English as well as the release date might be retarded since my holydays end in two weeks
The Topic/ historical Background:
The scenario is going to last from the Samnitian capture of the Etruscan Capua in 424 BC until 146 BC, when both Carthage and Corinthos were destroyed by the Romans. That meant they controlled nearly the whole area covered by the map. But it's not a classic "Rise of Rome scenario", as it is mainly concerned with the other tribes, especially focusing on the Etruscans who have somehow been neglected by scenarios yet. In this scenario their towns bear original Etrsucan names (as far as I could retrace them), and at the beginning they are favoured by some wonders - but they shouldn’t rely on them too much, because the wonders could become obsolete or the cities might even get lost… [-> HINT...
The Etruscans’ main concern will be the Celtic hordes whose advance will be difficult to stop since they’re using some good attacking forces (their main attacker, the cheap-to-build “plunderer”, is a missile type unit -> in order to prevent them from getting too strong); in field battle their chieftain with his surrounding horde is almost invincible… But the Celts won’t be the only Etruscan enemy – the Carthaginians are their sole allies, the other nations are likely to attack them… They will attempt to take advantage of the Etruscans’ weakness.
The other nations – as well as the Romans (who can de develop techs for three very effective Legion types) - should be quite playable, though. Other Civilizations are the Carthaginians/ Carthage, the Ionians, the Dorians, the Neutrals (not recommended) and the Celts (never play them!)…
I'm still seeking more comments to improve gameplay and rule out possible bugs - if anyone is willing to play-test and understands German, here it is:
(requires Fantastic Worlds or higher)
Main file (Beta 1.28) 466KB
Sounds 1 524 KB
Sounds 2 375 KB
Thanks to the "Largest German Civ2 Site" for beta hosting!
Since the current version includes some major changes, the older !Readme.ger and Info.rtf are not included in the file - some infos are obsolete and might be confusing, so I decided to drop them from the main file as long as I haven't updated them...
I'm planning to add the new versions as far as possible. With Credits.rtf it's likewise: I am dividing the thanks into parts and offering links to relevant homepages, but I haven't finished yet. I hope the contributors can cope with it - it's just a playtest version for now...
The next page is supposed to show some screenshots – for your convenience I wanted to divide it, because it half an MB large, hope you don’t mind...

The Topic/ historical Background:
The scenario is going to last from the Samnitian capture of the Etruscan Capua in 424 BC until 146 BC, when both Carthage and Corinthos were destroyed by the Romans. That meant they controlled nearly the whole area covered by the map. But it's not a classic "Rise of Rome scenario", as it is mainly concerned with the other tribes, especially focusing on the Etruscans who have somehow been neglected by scenarios yet. In this scenario their towns bear original Etrsucan names (as far as I could retrace them), and at the beginning they are favoured by some wonders - but they shouldn’t rely on them too much, because the wonders could become obsolete or the cities might even get lost… [-> HINT...

The Etruscans’ main concern will be the Celtic hordes whose advance will be difficult to stop since they’re using some good attacking forces (their main attacker, the cheap-to-build “plunderer”, is a missile type unit -> in order to prevent them from getting too strong); in field battle their chieftain with his surrounding horde is almost invincible… But the Celts won’t be the only Etruscan enemy – the Carthaginians are their sole allies, the other nations are likely to attack them… They will attempt to take advantage of the Etruscans’ weakness.
The other nations – as well as the Romans (who can de develop techs for three very effective Legion types) - should be quite playable, though. Other Civilizations are the Carthaginians/ Carthage, the Ionians, the Dorians, the Neutrals (not recommended) and the Celts (never play them!)…
I'm still seeking more comments to improve gameplay and rule out possible bugs - if anyone is willing to play-test and understands German, here it is:
(requires Fantastic Worlds or higher)
Main file (Beta 1.28) 466KB
Sounds 1 524 KB
Sounds 2 375 KB
Thanks to the "Largest German Civ2 Site" for beta hosting!
- Before you start the scenario the first time, you have to generate the *.txt files. The easiest way to perform this is using create_txt.bat delivered in the main zip-file
- In order to save space in the *.zip, I made a set_sound.bat which copies the sound files being used more than once. If you want to hear proper sounds, run it before playing.
Since the current version includes some major changes, the older !Readme.ger and Info.rtf are not included in the file - some infos are obsolete and might be confusing, so I decided to drop them from the main file as long as I haven't updated them...
I'm planning to add the new versions as far as possible. With Credits.rtf it's likewise: I am dividing the thanks into parts and offering links to relevant homepages, but I haven't finished yet. I hope the contributors can cope with it - it's just a playtest version for now...

The next page is supposed to show some screenshots – for your convenience I wanted to divide it, because it half an MB large, hope you don’t mind...