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A couple of things

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  • A couple of things

    First: I need someone who can write batch-files. I would like a batch file that copies events and occasionally a few other files for Darius the Great version 2.2
    This should also be able to make it easier switching languages, meaning that it will be able to make the version run under English, German and French versions (only by changing extensions).
    In this regard, I have a question to our Spanish comrades: Is there a Spanish version for Civ2, and if yes, what extension does it use (*.spa)?
    Are there any other versions? (Italian, et cetera)?


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  • #2
    1. writing batch files is easy, I can do that for you

    2. if there is a soanish version, they will use the standard ".txt" files, for every word that occurs in the game is written in one of those files and so it's been stupid to create ".fre" and ".ger" files. they could ahve done that all just using ".txt" files in different languages.

    Do you know what I mean?
    I think so. I might be wrong


    • #3
      OK, then please eMail me (I'd forget to mail you), so that I can give you the instructions. The files aren't 100% finished yet, I'm still waiting for some reports from my playtesters.
      About that Spanish stuff: I don't see a reason that, if there has been a German and French version with other extensions, why there shouldn't be a Spanish one... but I'm waiting for a Spaniard to answer that question. Anyone?

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      Our survival is based on continouus changing.
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      God might have created us as equals, but democracy and science pretty
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      • #4
        Panno wrote an excellent utility called MFE for that purpose Stefan. You can find it on his site or on the utilities page of The Cradle of Civilization.


        • #5
          I do have the italian version of CivII. But FW is the standard english...never found an italian FW.
          I had some problems, though: I can not play with CD in and watch the videos or the game would crash!!
          Problems also installing the sounds of scenarios...


          • #6
            a) the original italian version of CivII ( the one with scenario's disk ).
            b) The english?/american? version of CivII MGE ( including FW and original CivII scenarios ).
            Need help translating italian tech names?
            [This message has been edited by Prometeus (edited July 17, 2000).]
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            "Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur


            • #7
              I bought the Spanish version a pair of years ago. No, there isn't a special extension for spanish files, like those of german or french versions. In fact, only thing that changes are txt files.


              • #8
                I know that the original version (2.42 I believe) there was an Spanish version but I don´t think that there is a FW spanish version, I could be wrong, though
                Second President of Apolytonia, and Vice-President twice
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                • #9
                  Which means all that has to be done is an additional part that also switches to .Ger and .Fre files?

                  Andz83: Thanks again for the offer, I'll check out Pano's util first, though (I bet I'll be to stupid to get it working though, in which case you'll be my only hope )

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