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Cold War units

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  • Cold War units

    I'm working on a Stalin-takes-on-the-west scenario (I tried to submit a version to Sleague, but I don't think it got through, so I'm reworking it). I've downloaded all the tank unit .gifs but I can't tell if any of these units are the right tanks I plan to use. They are: (British) Centurion, (British) Chieftan, (American) M48, (Soviet) T54\55, Any contemporary French, Italian and Spanish tanks. Also: does anyone know where to find some early jets (e.g. Gloucesters, Korean War jets) and some early jet sounds- jets with machine guns.

  • #2
    What exactly is the year here?


    • #3
      1947-1955, give or take a year on either side.


      • #4
        Yeah, those tanks sound right for the period. I think that France, Spain and Italy were using the M4 Sherman at this stage, as was the US (Shermans saw extencive use in the Korean War at about this time). Also, the Russians front line tank forces contained huge numbers of T-34's and Joseph Stalins untill the late 50's.
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        - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


        • #5
          Thanks, I thought about that, but wasn't sure.

