Name as it is, James Otis. Some might recognize the name, some might not. Look at the signature below for a little clue, my friends.
To the point, now.
I am currently in work on an American Revolution scenario, seeing that I am an expert in the subject. It WILL contain tons of new units, for I am not Alex the Magnificent, I am still a very good artist, not on paper, due to the British putting taxes on our paint these days.
Now, any suggestions on the scenario? I plan for it to be the best American Revolution scenario yet. There will be either one event file for each side, or maybe two, depending on how time shall go. Many special events and wonders, etc. I do believe it will be an outstanding scenario, followed by a French and Indian War scenario (even though it was before the American Revolution) a few months later, but I can't guarentee I will have the time for that scenario, but I probably will.
To the chase, now, I believe.
Any suggestions on ANYTHING including wonders, units, city improvements, events, etc? I'd be glad to hear them. Thanks.
-James Otis, protester of the writs of assistance.
Down with the Townshend Acts!
Name as it is, James Otis. Some might recognize the name, some might not. Look at the signature below for a little clue, my friends.
To the point, now.
I am currently in work on an American Revolution scenario, seeing that I am an expert in the subject. It WILL contain tons of new units, for I am not Alex the Magnificent, I am still a very good artist, not on paper, due to the British putting taxes on our paint these days.

Now, any suggestions on the scenario? I plan for it to be the best American Revolution scenario yet. There will be either one event file for each side, or maybe two, depending on how time shall go. Many special events and wonders, etc. I do believe it will be an outstanding scenario, followed by a French and Indian War scenario (even though it was before the American Revolution) a few months later, but I can't guarentee I will have the time for that scenario, but I probably will.
To the chase, now, I believe.
Any suggestions on ANYTHING including wonders, units, city improvements, events, etc? I'd be glad to hear them. Thanks.
-James Otis, protester of the writs of assistance.
Down with the Townshend Acts!