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Hey, Hey What's That Sound?

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  • Hey, Hey What's That Sound?

    Oohhhh Yeahh......Its Monday June 5th and about 7 o 'clock. Phoenix is back at Apolyton! Bow down!

    You know a funny thing happened while I was trying to post here. I forgot what my password was and so I decided to make a new login. That went horribly wrong so if MarkG or whoever is in charge now could just delete the login 'Toxic Phoenix' I'd be very happy.

    But seriously folks.....WHASSZZZUPPP????? The summer has started and I'm working...way more than I want to so I'll probably get more than a few chances to log back in here and see whats going on.

    So...what has been going on?


    I'm not saying I'm number one. Oh, I'm sorry, I lied. I'm number One, Two, Three, Four and Five!
    I can throw a hundred pound walrus right through the wall!

  • #2
    Hey, great to hear from you again!! Not much has really changed... I'm close to finishing my dissertation (I become "Doctor Blackclove" in about three weeks if all goes well), SLeague is thriving under the direction of our three current editors, and Stefan Hartel took your job

    Oh yeah, and a lot of cool scenarios came out while you were away.

    What's new with you?


    • #3
      Phoenix, I need your email address. Please post it.


      • #4
        So you gonna be workin' or just R&R Pheonix?
        Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


        • #5
          So I said all those nice things about you for nothing?? Welcome back!
          Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


          • #6
            Can someone please fill me on who Phoenix is? Thank you.

            He is adding to the conversation surrounding my "Secret Project."
            Please Visit:

            And contribute if you can!


            • #7
              He's Mr. Temba changed...
              Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


              • #8
                Mr.Temba, it is an honor to hear from you. Your scenarios are just part of what inspired me to create my own, and I do hope you will continue to make more.

                Yes, indeed, welcome back?
                Please Visit:

                And contribute if you can!


                • #9
                  Dammit, I missed Little 5 again.

                  Back home again, in Hindustan-a
                  Be the bid!


                  • #10
                    Blackclove -

                    Goddamn dude thats awesome! From what I remember you've been working on your dissertation for how long now? Or was that something else? Hey its all pimp anyway. I'm really very happy Sleague is still kicking ass and Stefan Hartel is one of the best choices for my job! Is he still making ****? I hope so. Tell me more about these scenarios....

                    Whats up with me? Schools I'm a senior next year and then no more school! Yeah! I got a full time summer job and I'm also going to go to Milan, Italy, Coca Beach, Florida, LA, California and Red River Gorge, Kentucky. I haven't quite figured out how yet, I might have to quit. I also wanna go to Costa Rica but that seems like a long shot.

                    Archangel -

                    I think I remember you, if you know what I mean. My email is

                    Mao -

                    Working? Eh....I dunno. I wanna but I still don't have time to release anything. I got a bunch of straight up tight ass ideas but I can't spare the time to set them in motion, know what I'm saying?

                    Tech -

                    'Fraid so. Start *****ing about me again!

                    PolarisGL -

                    No, the honor is all mine! All I ever wanted to do was give Civ II Scenarios more life! And if I inspired even one person than all the hours I spent were worth it! Bless you, brother! (Or sister, I'm guessing brother since last time I was here everyone was a guy).

                    Sten -

                    Hey, it was kinda boring like always, I never go. But the parties afterwards were to ****ing die for! I went to one at a five story mansion type house in the Villas...goddamn it was crazy. The cops tried to bust it but there were too many people, me and this chick I was hangin with walked out right by them! Ha! Shoulda been there dude!

                    I'm not saying I'm number one. Oh, I'm sorry, I lied. I'm number One, Two, Three, Four and Five!
                    I can throw a hundred pound walrus right through the wall!


                    • #11
                      Brother indeed. Of course! Your imagination is endless, and truly, on your next project (if any), call me up for playtesting. It would be quite an honor! One of my newest scenarios coming to the Civ2 community soon (not the secret project), was inspired by some of your scenarios, which I played for quite the long time.
                      Please Visit:

                      And contribute if you can!


                      • #12
                        come back to Q9! We've got more people than ever and the spam just keeps building up!

                        Administrator at
                        Visit the forums!


                        • #13
                          Hey, Phoenix, remember what you did for me exactly 1 year ago? It would be great if you cold do that (same thing, only different) again!

                          If you remember...

                          Anyways, great to see you back!

                          Follow the masses!
                          30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!

                          Our survival is based on continouus changing.
                          -Mao Tse-Tung
                          God might have created us as equals, but democracy and science pretty
                          much screwed that whole idea..

                          Visit my Homepage at:
                          Follow the masses!
                          30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


                          • #14
                            Edwardo - Lemme think. No.

                            Stefan - I have no idea...what'd I do?

                            Polaris - quit strokin my damn ego balloon! No really man its all good! I fixed some of the **** in underdark so that should play better now...but not enough to relaly re-release it. Heres a hint - change the light brown in the dirt square to dark brown, its so much nicer to look at! whats your scenario about?

                            I'm not saying I'm number one.
                            Oh, I'm sorry, I lied. I'm number One, Two, Three, Four and Five!
                            I can throw a hundred pound walrus right through the wall!


                            • #15
                              Nice to see you again! Planning on making another scenario? Well, I'm not anyway.

                              Hey, what would you see about a rematch in SDC #4? I did beat you in SDC #2 Might also be a good motivation to start something new for the both of us!

                              Lancer: MarkL, well said, everything...

                              "Only resolution and habit can let me make an entry tonight. I am too miserable, too low-spirited, too sick of the world and all in it, including life itself, that I would not care if I heard this moment the flapping of the wings of the Angel of Death."
                              Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit

