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To any good RF players...

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  • #16
    Yes he can win because I've been in the same situation before.

    It's called sack and kill German units

    The only way he's screwed is if he didn't develop the Urals like he should have.


    • #17
      Just wondering, how do you italize in a post?

      "There's one more thing you men can say when it's all over and you're home once more. You can thank God that twenty years from now when you're sitting by the fireside with your grandson on your knee, and he asks you what you did in the war, you won't have to shift him to the other knee, cough and say, 'I shovelled **** in Louisiana.'"
      -General George S. Patton addressing his troops before D-Day landings June 1944
      Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


      • #18
        Mark L: Your comments are appreciated

        1) You'll note that I stated that he should stay on the defensive, BUT launch local, limited counterattacks.

        2) Early to mid-43 is pretty close to the times that you started a massive counterattack. These time-lines will fluctuate according to how a person is doing.

        3) My suggestions were given for the use of BEGINNERS. After all, if one reads the readme file, the Soviets do not have to take Berlin in order to win - the Soviets will win provided that the Germans can be prevented from taking Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad. A beginner in this scenario needs to learn how to fight a good defensive battle, develop the Urals (build lots of cities and protect your refugees), and crank out the right combination of units.

        The massive counterattacks, etc are fine for experienced players. But to start, a player needs to cover and implement the fundamentals well. Then he can learn how to drive all the way to Berlin (and have the satisfaction of doing it )

        But remember: the Soviets don't have to take Berlin (or Germany for that matter) in order to win. Just hold your key cities, and inflict pain on the invading Hun... and you will win


        • #19
          Alright, good point. However, in Paul's savegame the Germans are ready to overrun Leningrad, Stalingrad and the Caucasus. Then he doesn't have any chance of winning anymore. I've been in the same position, and slowely but steadely the human player will lose ground, until it's too late. Unless he has an incredibly high production or an incredible number of units in cities behind the front then he won't stand much chance.

          Lancer: MarkL, well said, everything...

          "Only resolution and habit can let me make an entry tonight. I am too miserable, too low-spirited, too sick of the world and all in it, including life itself, that I would not care if I heard this moment the flapping of the wings of the Angel of Death."
          Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


          • #20
            Very good points MarkL. If Paul does lose leningrad, Stalingrad AND the Caucusus (and without having buit up the Urals) - then I would agree with you (barring some fantastc miracle) that he will lose. It is best he start over and develop a sound game from the ground up... there is no shame in this - this is a tough scenario.

            The key to winning this game (as in the real war on the Eastern Front) is to build lots and lots of cities in the Urals, develop them with lots of industries, and to crank out lots of military units. Then wear down the German side through attrition and local counterattacks... until you're ready to take the war to the invading Hun...

            But I must say, what a terrific scenario Captain Nemo should be congratulated for producing and continually improving this excellent scenario. If anyone out there hasn't played this one yet - you don't know what you're missing...

            Go tell the Spartans, passerby:
            That here, obedient to their laws, we lie.
            [This message has been edited by Leonidas (edited May 30, 2000).]


            • #21
              Since I still haven't got the saved file I can't say if it is hopeless or not. But I think using river transportation Stalingrad can be reinforced pretty quickly. Caucasus is not very difficult to defend if he stack bombers with AA batteries on mountain squares. Leningrad is safe since he can move a fortified position into the city (the one northwest to the city). Moscow has minefield to protect it.


              • #22
                Hey, I'm not so great at RF either. Would anyone like to see how I'm doing? I'm in the summer of '42 and I'm holding my line, but the Germans seem to be infiltrating my lines by Voronezh. I've built my UMIP into a ready to fluorsih industry, but my problem is unit displacings along the front. Please let me know to email you it and give an alternate email if the one under your profile isn't correct. BTW, how do you italicize and make the text bold?
                Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                • #23
                  ANZAC - bold & italics

                  If you see a smilie or text in a post and you aren't sure how it was done, just click the edit button on the post - you can't actually change the post without the password, but it will show you how it was done. Try it on this one!
                  Be the bid!


                  • #24

                    But I think using river transportation Stalingrad can be reinforced pretty quickly.

                    Perhaps, but he'll need an incredible number of units to keep the city.


                    Caucasus is not very difficult to defend if he stack bombers with AA batteries on mountain squares.

                    A bit of cheating I reckon.


                    Leningrad is safe since he can move a fortified position into the city (the one northwest to the city).

                    That certainly is cheating.


                    Moscow has minefield to protect it.

                    And how much good will that do? not much. But in Paul's savegame Moscow is relatively safe.

                    Anzac, please send your savegame to me.

                    Lancer: MarkL, well said, everything...

                    "Only resolution and habit can let me make an entry tonight. I am too miserable, too low-spirited, too sick of the world and all in it, including life itself, that I would not care if I heard this moment the flapping of the wings of the Angel of Death."
                    Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


                    • #25

                      If you look on earlier threads below on the this topic, it is clear that Nemo says bringing fortified bunkers into cities is not cheating.


                      • #26
                        Mark L:

                        Leningrad: since the AI bribed a fortified battery, it is a little bit unfair to the human player. So I think moving the fortified position to the city is justified.

                        Caucasus: build a fortress on mountain top and keep on sending cavalry to it also works.


                        • #27
                          I've started playing RF now and also would like to ask some advice. Here's my map (jan in the winter of '41/'42)

                          As seen from the map I had a relatively good start. I managed to hold Smolensk until now and Kiev until nov41. This seriously slowed the germans down and gave me an opportunity to do some research (2 turns per advance ) and start building tanks for my winter offensive. I used fortified positions to secure my ports in the south and in the north. My only real problem is Moscow. Smolensk has only one unit left and it's impossible to send reinforcements because I only have 2-3 tanks, some troops and a fortified position to fend off the germans near moscow. Reinforcements are on their way but they'll arrive too late to make any significant impact. Should I dig in?
                          The northern and southern front are doing fine. I've almost defeated Finland and once those troops are shipped back to Leningrad I can go on a late winter offensive.
                          The hardest battle is being fought in the south. My tanks started arriving in force just before winter (KV-1's, T-34's etc..) and have the Germans on the defensive. I've destroyed plenty of infantry but haven't tried retaking any cities, should I try or is it too risky?
                          I've left Sevastopol and the city down south on building naval infantry. I loaded up some freighters and have been having success by taking that small port city just east of Ploesti. Should I try to go for Ploesti? I don't have that many naval forces to spare...

                          What's my best option at the moment? Should I dig in and prepare for the German summer offensive or should I try to push the Germans back as far as possible as long as it's still winter?

                          When I heard about RF I downloaded version 1.1 from CSC. I couldn't find 1.4 anywhere until I browsed deep into the threads here. (update your files guys!).
                          Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.

                          Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer


                          • #28
                            Cap: Nice looking map

                            IMHO at this particular stage of the game I wouldn't plan an all out offensive - just use minor local counterattacks and then withdraw your units to safety. You are in a battle of attrition in this scenario - so you must crank out your military units.

                            Protect your refugees and get them into the Urals, build more cities and industries, and crank out military units.

                            Plan to at least hold the line from Leningrad to Moscow to Stalingrad as well as Sevastopol.

                            Be careful in trying to capture too much, too soon, or you will spread your forces too thinly and the Hun will make mincemeat out of you (the big bad German tanks are coming in July 1943 at Kursk - watch out).

                            Concentrate your forces along the above lines, and plan a fighting withdrawl to that line, and dig in with fortresses, AA, antitank and infantry.

                            My advice at this stage is don't go for Ploesti right now - you will be dividing your forces and resupply will be a problem - once you land forces over there, the Hun will show you no mercy - your forces will be cut-off.

                            Remember, you will win this scenario by holding the above cities and denying them to the Germans. Be patient - dig in and make the Hun pay for every attack - use local counterattacks to take out weakened German units - and build your forces in strength.

                            Get those Murmansk Convoys shipping over units pronto and reinforce Leningrad...

                            Then in late 1942 or early 1943 (depending on the situation) begin a concentrated counterattack in force.

                            I hope this helps and good luck

                            Check out the advice given earlier in this thread as well.

                            Go tell the Spartans, passerby:
                            That here, obedient to their laws, we lie.


                            • #29
                              Generally, continue to build up your force, don't attack.

                              But if you have enough forces, you can transport kat launcher to kiev from the river, along with partisans attacking from north (use red army (?) to attack and when they are killed you get partisans). If you can take Kiev then partisans can be transported back to the Southern front from river quickly to destroy German hedgehogs, and to Romania and attack Poliesti.
                              Kiev is the key, otherwise the partisans will take several turns to back home, and you have to suffer huge loss to the hedgehogs.
                              And your defense in South must be very strong before the next Summer comes.


                              • #30
                                I looked over your map briefly on the 'net, and, having played this scenario through twice to autumn '45. Also, threads below on this topic really helped me out.

                                1) Move bunkers, when you can, into Leningrad and Rostow, by building cities on top of them, as described elsewhere.

                                2) As the Germans are going to overrun you anyhow once summer of '42 comes around, I don't really see the overall value of trying to hold onto cities west of the Leningrad-Moscow-Stalingrad line. I strip down many of these cities, pillaging industry, in the first rounds of the game. Believe me, if you can fight off the Germans in '43, you will have more than enough strength to retake them later. In one recent game, for example, I sold like everything in Sevastopol, for fear the Germans would occupy it, which they did for only one turn in total. Really build cities and industry to the east with refugee/laborers.

                                Likewise, the Germans will kick you hard of you try and take Ploisti/Galati early. I know it's tempting, but your cruisers are too valuable for this. There will be time later on to do this.

                                In the early stages of the game, carefully husband those antiquated T-28 tanks. Once December '41 comes around, they become valuable T34/85s. Airlift promptly to Moscow front.

                                On this note, the Germans seem to fancy trying to proceed East through that little river crossing SE of Moscow and, especially, and Voronezh. In summer '43, with the the renewed German offensive, the Tigers, Elephants, and Panthers will once agan try to break through here. Don't let them. Speed build KV-1's to help out. Build minefields SW of Stalingrad, right across from where the German pontoon bridge will appear. Do not --under any circumstances, let them into the Caucasus. Use cavalry to patrol the woods to the north and south of Moscow detect any stray panzers that get through.

                                Building tank hunters really helps too, until about '43 when you have more industrial strength. These units, when used properly, are cheap yet quite effective.

                                One of the hidden purposes of the stream of Siberian units, is, IMHO, to stave you over until you can build up more industry.

                                One industrialized, use the river to rapidly ferry units from Magnitorsk, Perm, Petropavlovsk, and Ufa, to Gorkiyy.

                                Big hint that helped me: Airfields, when contiguous, count as Railroads!

                                Hope this helps.

