At the request of another civer, I've made this tiny step by step tutorial of how I made the Trans-America Tower in the style of Nemo who did his cities in the style of Sim City 2000. 
To begin, I'll say that it is much easier to make cities Nemo's way then any other I've tried. One reason is becuase all of the building are slanted at an easy angle to work with. Another is that many of the buildings require few colors to work with. Lights are on one side and shadows are on another.
Here are the steps I used in making the Tower:
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I made the skeleton of the tower. This was tough because I didn't know what the exact angle of the tower should be at.
In this step I was trying to make the little part the doesn't angle, but that goes vertically around the top of the tower. I began by making a square inside the original base of the tower.
Still making the inside tower here, I made the base into a rectangle instead of a square because the vertical part only shows up on two sides of the tower.
I then moved the skeleton of the inside vertical tower into the main outline. This made it easier to make the vertical part.
Although it looks like I made a lot of progress, I just filled in the bubbles, so to speak.
The shadows are the important thing to learn here, because they are one of the integral parts of any buildings made in this style. Most of the light-shadow colors should have the same ratio as other colors (r-y-b), but as long as it looks good it doesn't matter. You may notice that the vertical tower the runs through the middle isn't where the skelaton was. The reason for this is that, through trial and error, I learned that it looked better if it wasn't where the original sketches said it should have been.
In this drawing, you can see that I'd added more details to make the final building. The two colors in the light and the two colors in the shadows have the same difference in color, but I don't reme,ber what it was. The whole thing took me about three hours to make, and much of it was just screwing around.
This is a picture of the building in a city. I took the basic design of Nemo's cities from 2194 Day's of War and edited them a little for my own use.
So in conclusion, before this, I thought that I couldn't draw. Well, I learned that it wasn't just talent that Alex, Nemo, and all the other artists have, it's the ability to sit on their ass for a couple of hours until they get the damn thing right!
So everyone needs to get out there and draw!
[This message has been edited by Fast_Eddie (edited January 29, 2000).]

To begin, I'll say that it is much easier to make cities Nemo's way then any other I've tried. One reason is becuase all of the building are slanted at an easy angle to work with. Another is that many of the buildings require few colors to work with. Lights are on one side and shadows are on another.
Here are the steps I used in making the Tower:

Click Here to download this image!
I made the skeleton of the tower. This was tough because I didn't know what the exact angle of the tower should be at.
In this step I was trying to make the little part the doesn't angle, but that goes vertically around the top of the tower. I began by making a square inside the original base of the tower.
Still making the inside tower here, I made the base into a rectangle instead of a square because the vertical part only shows up on two sides of the tower.
I then moved the skeleton of the inside vertical tower into the main outline. This made it easier to make the vertical part.
Although it looks like I made a lot of progress, I just filled in the bubbles, so to speak.

The shadows are the important thing to learn here, because they are one of the integral parts of any buildings made in this style. Most of the light-shadow colors should have the same ratio as other colors (r-y-b), but as long as it looks good it doesn't matter. You may notice that the vertical tower the runs through the middle isn't where the skelaton was. The reason for this is that, through trial and error, I learned that it looked better if it wasn't where the original sketches said it should have been.
In this drawing, you can see that I'd added more details to make the final building. The two colors in the light and the two colors in the shadows have the same difference in color, but I don't reme,ber what it was. The whole thing took me about three hours to make, and much of it was just screwing around.
This is a picture of the building in a city. I took the basic design of Nemo's cities from 2194 Day's of War and edited them a little for my own use.
So in conclusion, before this, I thought that I couldn't draw. Well, I learned that it wasn't just talent that Alex, Nemo, and all the other artists have, it's the ability to sit on their ass for a couple of hours until they get the damn thing right!

So everyone needs to get out there and draw!
[This message has been edited by Fast_Eddie (edited January 29, 2000).]