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Terrian Cheat in RedFront

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  • Terrian Cheat in RedFront

    It is not a secret that transforming 'no transformation' terrians can produce rivers. This happens to be convenient in playing RedFront since the base time for engineers to transform terrian is very short (1/20 of that in regular games).

    It works for all terrians except minefield, plains, tundra, and grassland.

    Use labor brigades to transform the terrians (for example, a forrest square). After several turns they will become 'bone with river', then you hit 'i' to irrigate them and instantly they become 'oilfield on river'. You can even improve existing oilfields by transforming them into bones and irrigate -- adds rivers to them.

    How nice you can produce another caucasus region on the eastern edge of the map and get tons of money from trading convoys between them! You even have excess human resouces to do this -- just build cities with your refugees when the first winter comes and disband them to get NONE labor brigades!

    I have also tested this in TOT games, especially the fantasy game. A lot of the terrians in undersea and underground maps can be improved, giving much needed elements (in undersea, shields; in underworld, trade arrows).

  • #2
    Oh man. So What?!

    What exactly does this have to do with Red Front? Your discovery is nice, but I think everybody can discover this for himself, or he doesen't.
    And if this is allowed by the Civ2 rules, then why is it cheating?

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    Our survival is based on continouus changing.
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    God might have created us as equals, but democracy and science pretty
    much screwed that whole idea..

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    • #3
      back off Stefan, people play your scenarios too... why do you get so angry at every RF related post?

      Xin's post applies directly to RF and may apply to other scenarios with unique terrains. Designers need to be aware that if a square can be terraformed into something that is not intended, it needs to be prevented by using something like swamp or jungle that can't be created.
      [This message has been edited by Sten Sture (edited May 05, 2000).]
      Be the bid!


      • #4
        What I mean to say is:
        The people who play Red Front seem to make up rules by their own. When something is allowed by Civ2 Rules, it is legal to any scenario.

        Unless, of course, someone writes a RF rulebook.

        I'm not saying "don't play Red Front"- I play it myself once in a while.
        But it's kinda silly that every time someone discovers something there which makes things easier, he immediately says that's cheating. Go ahead, write an RF rulebook. That would make things a lot easier, so that people will do everything as the author apparently designed it.

        And I don't get angry at every RF post, I leave them alone. But I just think that this is an exaggaration.
        Follow the masses!
        30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


        • #5
          Stefan: Indeed the bug exists in all scenarios which puts 'no' on transforming terrians. When the terrian is transformed the results would be a coal with river, then if further developed with irrigation, mining, or transforming, it would become desert with river.

          What is interesting in RF is that transforming needs a lot shorter time and the desert is now oilfield. These has made the terrian transforming bug much more subject to abuse.


          • #6
            Somehow I don't think Exploits should be considered a legitimate strategy of any kind.


            • #7
              That's why I put 'cheat' in the title .


              • #8
                Oh yeah, that's what I was irritated about.

                LEARN HOW TO SPELL TERRAIN!!!


                • #9
                  Thanks. That was all caused by playing only on diety level...


                  • #10
                    forrest=forest (unless you're writing "Forrest Gump)


                    What is interesting in RF is that transforming needs a lot shorter time
                    and the desert is now oilfield. These has made the terrian transforming
                    bug much more subject to abuse.

                    OK, that's strange, since the labourers (that's British spelling) aren't any faster at other things (road building, fortress building...)

                    Perhaps I wasn't reacting correctly...

                    Follow the masses!
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                    Our survival is based on continouus changing.
                    -Mao Tse-Tung
                    God might have created us as equals, but democracy and science pretty
                    much screwed that whole idea..

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                    • #11
                      The Base time for engineers to transform terrain is reduced from 20 to 1 in redfront. Takes 2 labor brigades (engineer unit) 3 turns to transform a forest.

                      Minefield is a terrain type in redfront.

                      Because I played on 'Diety' level I wrote 'Terrian'.


                      • #12
                        No offense, but I play on Deity level.

                        St. Leo
                        Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


                        • #13
                          I play on 'Gottheit'

                          I checked both the rules of RF and a normal game and indeed there is a lot of difference. Perhaps Nemo can explain what exactly he did.

                          Follow the masses!
                          30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!

                          Our survival is based on continouus changing.
                          -Mao Tse-Tung
                          God might have created us as equals, but democracy and science pretty
                          much screwed that whole idea..

                          Visit my Homepage at:
                          Follow the masses!
                          30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


                          • #14
                            I am interested in this... What is the exact nature of this transform bug. Apparently it turns some/any (?) terrain that has transform set to no into some(?) other terrain with river and ressources? please clarify.

                            The transform command is supposed to be used only to convert plains/grassland/tundra (Fast move terrain)into minefields. Because this is supposed to happen quickly (Lay barbwire, bury mines) I lowered the time requirement to the minimum. All other "transforms" are done through the mining/irrigation method that is set to take a long time. The big improvement is not supposed to be creating new oil fields but building industry around the cities...

                            If someone knows exactly what is affected by the cheat I will remove it version 1.941


                            • #15
                              If a LAND terrain is 'no', you can actually transform it into 'coal with river'. Then any improvement except building roads(irrigation, mining, transformation) will change the terrain to 'desert with river'.

                              This is a designer's tip to create river on existing maps. It should be somewhere in this forum. Once the river is created, it stays when you use the cheat mode to get whatever terrain type you want.

                              In order to get rid of a river maybe (I guess) you can change the terrain to ocean then change back.

                              Captain Nemo: To counter the cheat you just give the transofrming effect to the square itself -- Drt to Drt, For to For, etc. However, maybe under the Urals there were hidden oils and the refugees could have dug it out during the WWII...

