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Just something to think about...

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  • #16
    You cease to amaze me Captain Nemo!!! Damn, that is good. Xin- you mean a "storm zone" in The Channel, not on land, right? Also another idea is once one gets a port city, a neutral or barbarian "Wrecked Harbor" unit, which would have an invicibly high defense rate, appears, blocking the city from the sea so supplies can't go through it immediately (trademark of how the Germans wrecked coastal cities). After one captures a city later on, something like "Port of Cherbourg is finally reconstructed. Supplies may come through now." would popup and the "Wrecked Harbor" unit would dissappear using the Change Terrain command. I'm looking forward to seeing Patton, Operations Epsom and Cobra, and The Hegderows.... Keep up the good work Nemo!
    Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


    • #17
      Just a progress update:
      The naval or air caravans don't work even within a Civ. They act as normal sea/air units so you don't get the "establish route/build wonder" menu.

      The "blocked" harbor is a good idea. I may create Liberty ships carrying 0 move units (Can't disembark except in a harbor) at turn X the ships take on the trireme "bit" so if they're not in harbor they're sunk.

      Map is 80% done, units 80% done, but the rules, events, icons etc... still need a lot of work.

      Does anyone have or know of a site where I can find a very detailed map of Normandy? I have high detail info about the landing areas but I am missing the same level of detail (City names, terrain) outside the immediate landing areas. Map area is Cherbourg-Fécamp-Sées-StMalo

      Thanks for your help and support.


      • #18
        I think I have a good Normandy map. I can mail it to you if you like.

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        much screwed that whole idea..

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        Follow the masses!
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        • #19
          Have you tried using Helicopters as a trade unit?

          It's an Idea I had but never tried.


          • #20
            Yes, heli unit or domain 3, combined with 'storming zone'.


            • #21
              >Does anyone have or know of a site where I >can find a very detailed map of Normandy?

              Any decent college library should have a set of the green hardbound official U.S. history of WWII. I believe the volume for D-Day is called "Cross Channel Attack." The book has a pocket in the back for maps as well as maps throughout.

              You also might try--

              (I hope that is right--its a site on touring the Normandy beaches, but it has links to numerous other D-Day links).


              • #22
                Is it possible for helicopter units to carry land units? If so, Nemo, you could use them in the scenario for sea units combined with the storm zone idea.
                Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game

