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Scenario of the Week: Terminator; The Dissection

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  • Scenario of the Week: Terminator; The Dissection


    I for one like the scenario. Good units, for its time, and they were even made from scratch. Good playability, though it's a bit annoying to play the European Defence Blah and then the AI manages to kill off all the main characters instantly. I think that's it...
    Lo there do I see my father
    Lo there do I see my mother
    and my sisters and my brothers
    Lo there do I see the line of my people
    back to the begining
    Lo they do call to me
    They bid me take my place among them
    in the Halls of Valhalla
    where the brave may live forever

  • #2
    Overall, it's a good balanced scenario. The names of civs and the distribution of cities could have been better. I for one would not have revealed the whole map. Leave it covered. It's a mystery to the people as to where the robots have taken over and where they have not. The units could have been a little more interesting but were enough for me. The terrain should have been changed more as to reflect a post-apocalyptic earth.
    I give it a 15/30 overall rating.
    Artwork 20/30
    Originality 8/30


    • #3
      It must just be me, but I found it annoyingly tough. The tech paradigm is also far too high for any research to realistically by carried out. Maybe this is the intention, but if it is, then giving the player techs to research is pointless.
      "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

      Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


      • #4
        I thought the units were nice, but the terrain needs work. Also, I found it rather easy -- you just need to buy all the enemy cities and sell off your useless libraries for cash to finance the rest of your takeover. Then use captured terminators and build assault vehicles to capture the capitals.

        Of course I have played way too much Civ2 in my day. If you fight fair, you will never win.

        It is also profitable to kill off your neighboring humans and to buy barbarian cities.

        I agree that the tech paradigm is way too high. I was also surprised that the terminator units weren't tougher than they are.


        • #5
          I do have to agree with what has been said above. It really bothered me that research was so slow. Eventually I reduced it to zero and concentrated on making money instead.
          Playing as the Europeans I first thought I'd be finished in a short time but once I got it figured out it was really easy.
          The idea behind the scenario is really nice but I found the terrain graphics somewhat boring. Furthermore, the choice of units available to the humans surprised me a bit. I had thought there would hardly any decent units among them but there were some that could be put to real use. Also I would have figured that after a nuclear war and after SkyNet had taken over the units and techs that humans could access would be more limited.
          Perhaps it is because of the early time it was made but I would have liked more events.
          It would have been nice if the overall spere of the scenario would have been darker and more threatening. Afterall humanity is on the edge of extinction.

          It ain't a bad scenario but it could definitly use some improvemt.

          Mathias' Civ II Page

          The Lost Geologist Blog


          • #6
            What are you all waiting for? Where are you guys? Or did I miss some important news?
            The Lost Geologist Blog

