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Playtester's Needed

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  • Playtester's Needed

    I've just finished one of my better scenarios. New England Civil War. Anyone who wants to playtest this for me should post it here. Requires FW.

  • #2
    Send it on!


    • #3
      I'll take it! My Mighty Massachusetts Marauders shall achieve a deciscive victory!

      I am the Ukrainian Anti-Pope!
      [This message has been edited by Field Marshal Klesh (edited April 22, 2000).]


      • #4
        DarthVeda: AOL won't let me send the files. It says you have a fatal e-mail error. Whatever that means. Do you have another address.

        F.M. Klesh: The files you requested have been sent.


        • #5
          Ok then, try


          • #6
            DV: Yup, the second one worked. There are two files to it. One sound and one the scenario files. There both zipped using winzip.


            • #7

              Originally posted by WarVoid on 04-22-2000 07:52 PM
              DV: Yup, the second one worked.

              I just realized everything when I saw DV. Did you happen to help make some units for Red Front, say the ME-109?

              Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


              • #8

                Originally posted by WarVoid on 04-22-2000 07:52 PM
                DV: Yup, the second one worked.

                I just realized everything when I saw DV. Did you happen to help make some units for Red Front v1.4, say the ME-109?

                Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                • #9
                  musta clicked too many times....
                  Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                  • #10
                    I played as Massachusetts untill about 2008. I'll be continuing my game as well. I've been able to capture Hartford and Providence, as well as other northern Con. and R.I. cities, whilst allying myself with NH and Vermont against New York.

                    A couple of issues though:

                    1. Playing as Massachusetts gets you "President Field Marshal Klesh of the Massachusetts"
                    I suggest changing it to "Commonwealth of Massachusetts", which would be able to use the the.

                    2.You mention(on the opening screen I think) that you can run your new nation "under any government you want". But, I could not change Massachusetts into a true Communist Commonwealth. I think Government switching should be allowed, or chande the bit about it at the start window.

                    3.Also, the town of Fall River should have ALL the warships, and prbably a sea oriented Wonder as well. There is a very large Navy yard there. It would make sense that Mass would comandeer these ships after the fall of DC.

                    4.The city of Manchester should be changed to Salem. It's far more important than Manchester, but bigger. Appropriate city alterations would be in order.

                    5.I find that there are too many types of Infantry units available to all players. I had a rough time figuring out which of the 12 types I would build...So I just made Howies instead, used the highways...

                    6.The production in many cities is so low that units will take at least 20 turns to be produced. And Mass. is the #2 state in prodution! I'd hate to try it as some of the others. Perhaps some more production specials?

                    7.Although you have put alot of time into this scenario, I kinda get turned off by it's comedic take on things. Your Warvoid unit is nice...but huh? Flaming Monster? Wha?
                    No offense intended here. I kinda liked it, but I would have liked a more serious scenario better. If this is what you like, then cool. But I could go for a more serious vibe.

                    8.I do like how Massachusetts has a good ammount of Wonders. Very accutare namings. Well researched.

                    9.The map: there is an overabundance of grassland squares. Makes Western Massachusetts look like a tabletop. There are many hills and forrest out there. Perhaps a thickening of the terrain?

                    Overall, I enjoyed this scenario. I'll keep you posted on my suggestions. If you were looking for playtesting with regards to errors in gameplay, I didn't see major ones at all. Well, no minor ones either...

                    I am the Ukrainian Anti-Pope!

                    [This message has been edited by Field Marshal Klesh (edited April 23, 2000).]


                    • #11
                      I'll start re-vamping the scenario and keep you posted on the changes I make.
                      I forgot to change that events notice on the governments. Sorry.


                      • #12
                        Awww, I was editing as you posted. Keep up the good work!

                        I am the Ukrainian Anti-Pope!


                        • #13
                          Send it here, please.
                          Please Visit:

                          And contribute if you can!


                          • #14
                            FMK: I am sending you an updated version of the units, rules and events with a help file on what to do.
                            This should fix some of the problems you suggested should be ironed out.
                            Thanks for playtesting.


                            • #15
                              I'd love to playtest this one!


                              -KhanMan, Henniker Lord of the Sayen Horde
                              Odin, Thor, and Loki walk into a bar together...

