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Unlimited events space?

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  • Unlimited events space?

    In his review of Firewall, Kevin "DarthVeda" Chulski wrote:

    The author complained of running out
    of events space. There is a tip on
    Scenario League on how to attain
    unlimited events space. If the author
    needs delevent.exe, he need merely ask
    for it on the forum.

    I am not the author of Firewall (nor, yet, of any scenario), but I sure would like to attain unlimited events space, and I haven’t seen that tip yet! Two questions:

    1) Does this imply a single larger-than-32K events.txt, or swapping multiple files as needed?

    2) Does the reference to delevent.exe mean that this technique will not be available to me as I am designing on a Mac (MGE 1.1.1)?


  • #2
    Well, delevent.exe came with Fantastic Worlds. It's a program that changes .sav files so that the events are removed from them.

    At that point, the user could swap events files and the game would activiate them starting the next turn.

    I'm not sure that delevent.exe will work on MAC or even Civ save files for MAC.

    Otherwise the events.txt files are limited to the 32k of memory allocated to them.


    • #3
      Saving a game as a scenario, and then starting the scenario as the same player, also allows a swap of events files (regardless of platform), no?

      Do I gather that .bat files are used to automate this process in the DOS/Windows world? Has anyone tried using an AppleScript to do the same for a Mac?

      - Tavis (whose complete ignorance of AppleScript's capabilities may be apparent)


      • #4
        Swaping events files alone will not work. All the events.txt events are saved in a save game (or scenario I believe) after the first time they are run together.


        • #5
          Actually you can get around using the delevents.exe by opening the Cheat menu and saving the game as a scenario under a new name. This deletes the events also and allows you to reload a new set of events but it will also appear as if you are starting a new scenario. This was the way Alex loaded multiple events in Spartacus.

