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Red Front 1.4 is here!

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  • #31
    Oh good, when I went back and looked at it last night, I saw a fair amount of pillaging that I wanted to do. It seemed to be historically supported, and tactically prudent.

    Well I guess blowing mtn roads in the trans-Carpathians might not have been historically possible, but it feels good!


    What is next for you? Perhaps an adaptation of RF for a Stalingrad urban scenario? I have always wanted to duke it out for the tractor factory, then trap vonPaulus and have the 6th Army surrender.
    Be the bid!


    • #32
      I was not aware of the exact specifics of the Zimmerit coating. I only knew that it was an anti-magnetic mine paste. (I built several German tank models with Zimmerit coatings. I can, however, tell you that it is rather annoying, though not difficult, to apply to tank models.) I do know that the Germans used magnetic mines. The Germans were rather fond of developing countermeasures to their own weapons, and came up with Zimmerit to defeat their own weaponry, I think.


      • #33
        Nemo, you wouldn't have happened to have created any World War One era graphics at some time in the past, would you? Or would you have time to create a couple at some point in the future?


        • #34
          Capt. Nemo,
          Personally, I think Harlan is very wise and you should follow his suggestions!

          Of your completely brand new ideas, I think a scenario taking place in a city would be most interesting. Stalingrad's such an overdone topic though, I hope you'd pick a different city/ battle.


          • #35
            Stalingrad...overdone? I didn't see any other [good] scenarios taking place in just Stalingrad...
            Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


            • #36
              Okay, so not Stalingrad; how about Volgograd???

              Harlan - is there already a Stalingrad scenario that I am not aware of? or do you mean that the topic has been done in other formats a million times? How about Jerry Brown - the Battle for the East Bay ???

              A series of small tactical WW2 scenarios could use a lot of Nemo's existing Panzers and provide a short alternative to the EPIC scenarios. Normandy, Arnheim, Bulge, Kursk, Tobruk, Staligrad, Leningrad, Guadecanal, Iwo Jima, etc.
              Be the bid!


              • #37
                About Stalingrad, I didn't mean Civ2 specifically, I meant in life. Seen the movie, read the book, etc etc.. The way the Eastern Front gets covered, you'd think the only two battles fought there were Stalingrad and Kursk.

                I think it would stil make a great scenario topic, its just a tired topic for me personally. On the eastern front I would be much more interested in say, a hypothetical battle of Moscow.


                • #38
                  It might be nice to have an Afrika Corps scenario. I have only seen one scenario of this type by John Petroski and it could use a little work...
                  Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                  • #39
                    Hello everyone,
                    The names Jesse and I'm a first time poster here (bad e-mail address I guess). I have to first say congragulations to Captain Nemo for his brilliant work on Red Front. I think its a excellent scenario. I believe a great scenario would be one on the Battle of the Bulge personally because then you could use your winter and spring seasons maps since the Germans made great progress in the snow put were pushed back in the spring due to allied air supermece.


                    • #40
                      All that talent and it's being wasted on WW2 scenarios. J/K

                      St. Leo
                      Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


                      • #41

                        Could you explain the thoughts behind the rubble units. If I'm thinking correctly, then they are there as a result of Allied bombings. I assume the shield production bonus from the previous factory is eliminated (obviously). They are technically owned by the Soviets, which causes the Germans to repeatedly attack and loose units to them. Does this too simulate the destruction of production, as the rubble will "eat" up German units (production), and therefor less tanks wil see action? Or are the German's getting a double dose af bad luck, as the AI is too dumb to go around them. I assume they have a ZOC right? Maybe they are trying to clear the way to the front? I'm not criticizing them, as I think the idea of loss of production is great. I'm just wondering about the specifics.

                        I am the Ukrainian Anti-Pope!


                        • #42
                          The rubble is a way to simulate bombings. The industry improvement is wiped out and the Soviet/American controlled unit is placed on top of the barren terrain. It serves as a production penalty, preventing the Germans from rebuilding the industry and giving the Soviets and Americans a "base" for attacks against the adjoining city... but unfortunately the German AI keeps attacking them. (He doesn't attack those floating mines though...)(The AI attack decision algorithm must have a part that calculates chance of success with an modifier-factor which is threat/proximity to it's cities: I absolutely can't win this battle but this immobile, useless unit is really annoying right here, so I'll throw a few hundred Me262s at it just for fun...)
                          I am thinking about making them "neutral" in the next version...


                          • #43
                            Try turning it into a 0 movement naval unit. Land units won't be able to attack it.

                            Or is it already?

