The purpose, I have no discovered, for the Art of War is not only for a war forum which I am so fond of. I am now going to be more "into" updating the site's Civ2 tactics, adding new and various sections, and experimenting with layouts (keeping the nice sword graphic, of course
I would like to ask Blackclove on layout suggestions...
SLeague's layout is excellent, although for the Art of War I would like to maintain a "classical" look, if you will. Any tips, Blackclove? You may e-mail me as well.
On a very important note though...
We only have THREE tactics:
Red Front - Field Marshal Klesh (only one! come on, my good people!)
Age of Reptiles - Cam Hills
Napoleon - George Lyles (me)
We need MANY more tactics. I know ALL of you at least have 1 tactic! I'd love to hear it!
So far, Klesh is our best contributor. He is now working on a 2194 days of war tactic...for every side! I thank him for this generous contribution.
Soon to come will be the following:
Yet ANOTHER layout.
Several new sections and tactics
Short tips list - the things you should remember in EVERY Civ2 regular game (contributions allowed)
A more organized tactic format that all contributors will have to follow (I will try my best to format already submitted ones, unless the authors are willing to add a few items, not many)
ANYTHING ELSE? I need suggestions...
Also coming soon is The North Star, which is my Civ2 website giving info about my latest scenarios (need suggestions on what to cover).
Thanks for reading all,
The purpose, I have no discovered, for the Art of War is not only for a war forum which I am so fond of. I am now going to be more "into" updating the site's Civ2 tactics, adding new and various sections, and experimenting with layouts (keeping the nice sword graphic, of course

I would like to ask Blackclove on layout suggestions...
SLeague's layout is excellent, although for the Art of War I would like to maintain a "classical" look, if you will. Any tips, Blackclove? You may e-mail me as well.
On a very important note though...
We only have THREE tactics:
Red Front - Field Marshal Klesh (only one! come on, my good people!)
Age of Reptiles - Cam Hills
Napoleon - George Lyles (me)
We need MANY more tactics. I know ALL of you at least have 1 tactic! I'd love to hear it!
So far, Klesh is our best contributor. He is now working on a 2194 days of war tactic...for every side! I thank him for this generous contribution.
Soon to come will be the following:
Yet ANOTHER layout.
Several new sections and tactics
Short tips list - the things you should remember in EVERY Civ2 regular game (contributions allowed)
A more organized tactic format that all contributors will have to follow (I will try my best to format already submitted ones, unless the authors are willing to add a few items, not many)
ANYTHING ELSE? I need suggestions...
Also coming soon is The North Star, which is my Civ2 website giving info about my latest scenarios (need suggestions on what to cover).
Thanks for reading all,