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Yes! It's done, it's done!

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  • Yes! It's done, it's done!

    It's finally finished! The scenario I have been annoying you with the past month.

    The only thing now that is standing between you and the scenario is the time from now till I can upload the scenario to my page.
    It's past 11pm here so it has to wait a few hours. But it should be up for download within the next 24 hours.

    I'll post here again once it's up!
    The Lost Geologist Blog

  • #2
    Some people had already asked me about when I'm going to be finished with. Well as you can read above I am and now it's also up on the net since I updated my website.

    I hope I didn't forget anything...I do that often...

    Mathias' Civ II Page
    The Lost Geologist Blog


    • #3
      I'm glad I pestered you about it, Hendrik. It looks to be worth the wait.
      "You give a guy a crown and it goes straight to his head."


      • #4
        Hmm...checked your site, can't find it. Is it hiding somewhere or is there some delay in the upload?


        • #5
          ??? I just checked all the pages of the site again. They all work and the scenario and the sounds are there and the downlaod link works, too.

          When have you been there? If it was more than an hour ago the scenario wasn't uploaded yet. Try it again now. There is a Link to the page it is on right on the startpage.
          The Lost Geologist Blog


          • #6
            Never mind. Just tried again, and it worked fine.

            Looked like some kind of delay. I tried it about 15 minutes ago...nothing new appeared...then about ten minutes ago and there was announcement on the index page, but nothing was on the scenario page, except the Krakien, however, everything is as it should be and works fine. Wonder why it seemed delayed from my perspective but not yours? Maybe I was being directed to an older page by Xoom for some reason - a net mystery, but not one I'm going to worry about.


            • #7
              NICE JOB!

              Great map! (curious though, were you at maximum or could you have squeezed in a bit more of Italy, North Africa, or the Balkans).

              I haven't found anything yet that offends my sense of history, and I'm normally incredibly picky about that. Seems quite playable too, yet challenging (okay, I decided to start as Trebizond - perhaps not the wisest move).

              FYI, your boats without shore bombardment seem to work pretty well, so far. Speed seems about right, too. I haven't played yet as the Venetian, though - my suspicion is that needing an extra marine unit might make a republic's life a bit more difficult (though perhaps that is a good thing).

              Interesting decision on dips/spies. Did you decide they were too powerful and/or favored certain civs (e.g., Venice)? Or did you want the slots for something else?


              • #8
                The map? Well, I don't think I reached the max but I didn't want more in it because I already had more than 7 civs to cover. including Italy and North-Africa might have been a problem in several ways. Accuaracy for example.
                Besides I wanted to concentrate on the region you can see there now because that's were all the important events happened.

                Trebizond wasn't really set out to be played. But it can be done! I tried that ,however, if you don't succed to built up a good economic and military base chances are you will fail in achieving a lot of progress.

                There are quite a few units that have the marine capability. Trapezuntines don't have any because they really were militarily insignificant and both land and sea. Also it slows down the Venetians a bit, you're right.

                There were several reasons for not allowing dips/spies. First I wanted to use them but discovered I could not disable the steal tech option for the AI controlled dips/spies.
                That continuesly messed up the different tech trees for the civs since all civs have a part only they can research. Units as you might see can and will become obsolete but I couldn't use NO techs because I needed a tech tree worth researching.

                Second I needed the unit slots of both the dip and spy really badly. They were the last I filled because I was hoping to find a way around the problem.

                Third I noticed that due to the fact that one can make quite some money through trade routes some cities were made revolt that I didn't want to revolt. That, of course, favoured civs that had a lot of money. Meaning Venice could have won easily just by buying other civs' cities and that wouldn't have been much fun at all for its opponent.

                It's nice to get some good feedback from you!
                The Lost Geologist Blog

