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CIV II : Secret Scenario

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  • CIV II : Secret Scenario

    I have the original CIV II.
    I can't seem to get the "Secret" scenario to work. I keep getting the message:

    Error "CivKeyNotFound (Bad RULES.TXT)" in module "" data: 1 0
    'Secret Language, 5, 1, X6, nil, 0, 3 ; Alp'

    Most recent DOS error: 0

    [This message has been edited by Prussian Prince (edited February 11, 2000).]

  • #2
    Find out if the scenario requires a newer version of civII.

    If not:
    I think it means there is something wrong
    with the rules file. Check out the concerned lines for any missing or too many commas and other stuff. Also check the lines before and after to be sure.

    If it doesn't help post here again.
    The Lost Geologist Blog


    • #3
      I can't find "Startup data" anywhere...I found the next line and here it is along with the preceding and following few lines(there are way more of course if you want to see them):

      Advanced Flight, 4,-2, Rad, Too, 3,
      4 ; AFl
      Secret Language, 5, 1, X6, nil, 0, 3 ; Alp
      Paramilitary Units, 3,-2, Nav, Tac, 3, 0 ; Amp
      Astronomy, 4, 1, Mys, Mat, 1, 3 ; Ast
      Atomic Theory, 4,-1, ToG, Phy, 2, 3 ; Ato
      Automobile, 6,-1, Cmb, Stl, 3, 4 ; Aut

      I haven't found anywhere that said this scenario was only for Gold, Multiplayer, or any newer versions.
      What might I! It seems like a cool scenario if I can get it to work.


      • #4
        'Secret Language, 5, 1, X6, nil, 0, 3 ; Alp'

        X1-X7 are extra tech slots introduced in the FW version.. thus you need FW or MGE to play the scenario. So, what's happening is it sees the X6 and it doesn't recognize it as one of the existing identifiers, causing it to crash.


        • #5
          DSquared is right. That was only introduced with FW.

          'Guess you have a problem...

          I don't think there is much you can do about it. Better ask the experts around here.
          The Lost Geologist Blog


          • #6
            Well that is what I am doing...
            Who do I ask?
            I would really get this scenario to work.
            I changed the bmp's to gifs the other day and at least got the pics to work...but now I can't even start CIV. If I can't use the X6 is there anyway to circumvent that?


            • #7
              Do you want the easy answer or the hard one?

              Here's the easy one: NO.

              And here is the hard one: Well, yes. In theory.

              Here we go. You would have to change all the necessary txt files to something compatible with your version. Take the txts from your civ directiory and make a copy of the ones you need. Then empty the files of all contens.
              Next go into your respective files and mark all the things that are not a feature of either CiC or FW. Copy those marked parts.
              Insert them into the previously emptied files you made. Now they should work with your version.

              Problem: The parts from CiC and FW are not there. So you will probaly have to reconstruct the tech tree and a lot of other stuff. Of course events will not be able to work either way.

              This is just a very short expanation to show you what you will probaly have to do. I have never tried this before so there are no guarantees.
              If you need more detail just ask.

              I hope this did help you a bit.
              The Lost Geologist Blog


              • #8
                Well I guess this might be my final post for awhile then but which version is compatible with the most scenarios? I guess I will go buy it tonight.


                • #9
                  Either FW or MGE. I only have FW and I can still play a lot of scenarios before I reach the end of the supply.
                  Of course with MGE you can play multiplayer...

                  But it's your decision...
                  The Lost Geologist Blog

