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Cold War Suggestions

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  • Cold War Suggestions

    Hey guys, I have a bit of free time coing up and I wanted to restart work on the scenario Michael Daumen and I were working on. I've finished up the units list, but I would appreciate any suggestions.

    Oh, and just a few reminders:
    1. Multiplayer Scen
    2. TOT (For the extra maps)
    3. Multiple files (Folder for each decade)

    What should we do about the Berlin airlift? one thing we thought about was researching an Airlift tech that would trigger an event or something. What else could we do? Maybe an Airlift wonder? What other wonders?

    I'm not exactly up to speed on my Soviet history, so was there anything else the Soviets had to deal with besides Afganistan and Chechnya?

    I do need a few names for the units I wanted to use. Specifically naval classes, and Soviet/American APC's. Any help?

    Would it be better to have things scripted (Like the Soviets would automatically get Cuba in 1959) or would it be more fun to kinda rewrite history (like have American backed raids on Cuba, although historically accurate, with the chance of actually gaining Cuban backing)? This is probably the biggest decision.


  • #2
    Hmm, here's some ideas:

    -About the airlift, I think it's own WONDER is a little much, but a tech would be good. Maybe not one you would research, but perhaps one you would recieve in May48 or whenever.

    -Don't forget about the democratic uprisngs in Czechoslovakia and Hungary, I believe. The Soviets had to use TANKS to quell these revolts.

    -I can't really help you with the unit names, but I am curious about how you would implement APCs into your scen. I've attempted using them in the past, but they always ended up pretty useless. You do mean Armored Personal Carriers, right?

    -And I think it would be more fun to have to try and 'conquer' Cuba on your own; not scripted. This idea is good for a specific cold war scen like yours, but for a more broad scenario, like TRAFOTSU, it would probably be better to have it scripted.

    Anyway, I hope you find this helpful. Good luck!
    [This message has been edited by Djugashvili (edited January 03, 2000).]
    sigs are for fools who havent said enough!


    • #3
      I wouldn't put Hungary and Chzechoslovakia on the same scale as Afganistan though. In the last thread about this (which was quite some time ago) we'd already listed those as things to look at. I couldn't very well forget about Hungary with Jeszenka around now could I! I am still thinking about how to simulate Solidarity in Poland...

      I was leaning towards the wonder because it would be easy, and it could trigger an event without holding up research. It could also be used for something else later on like say the oil shortage in '73 if it were Adam Smith's. Basicaly it could change and become inactive for awhile, and then become active again. Even turn into a different wonder that might take far too long to build later on. The only problem I can think of is that the Airlift was conducted by both the U.S. and The Western Allies. How would that work?

      BTW, the scen starts in April of 1949 with the beginning of NATO. So there woul dbe one month before the barricades were lifted in May and four more months until it actually ended.


      • #4
        Ack! It was edited while I was responding!

        Well, APC's are more expensive then infantry, but significantly less expensive than tanks. They would be good for things like putting down revolts, and keeping the peace.

        I'm glad someone agrees with me on this! I'd really like to have it wide-open! That's one of the things Mike and I talked about a lot when I was placing cities.


        • #5
          Ahh, I see. I always tried to make APCs a transport vehicle capable of carrying ground units, but that obviously doesn't work (never seen a APC carry a tank before...).

          And when I said a technology for the Berlin airlift, I meant that it would be actually GIVEN to you through an event, so it wouldn't hinder research. Who is this scen designed to be played by? If it's the Soviets, to what advantage would building this wonder be? Same for the Americans? Please describe this scenario a little more. And how do you get a wonder to trigger an event? This info could be VERY useful for my project...

          And I like open-ended scenarios more than scripted ones, so... uh... yeah!
          [This message has been edited by Djugashvili (edited January 03, 2000).]
          sigs are for fools who havent said enough!


          • #6
            Like I said before, this is a multi-player scenario. Mike and I had decided that this would be the best way to simulate the Cold War because of how badly the AI would play the game.

            I'm not sure of how many people should play this. Preferably 4 (America, Soviet Union, NATO, and China), but it could be done well as only the US and USSR I guess.

            As for triggering an event with a wonder, it's one of the new event things that comes with TOT. Nothing hard at all.
            [This message has been edited by Fast_Eddie (edited January 03, 2000).]


            • #7
              Damn. I gotta learn ToT. TROFATSU is using bloody FW! Oh well. Maybe next time...

              And how do you make a scenario that is multiplayer through ToT, anyways??
              [This message has been edited by Djugashvili (edited January 03, 2000).]
              sigs are for fools who havent said enough!


              • #8
                TOT comes with it!


                • #9
                  How would this scenario start out? After the second world war? Would their be American and British troops on Russian soil? I remember in my history about the Soviets fighting a Civil war against White Russians (Capitalists or Democrats) who were supported by America and Britan. It's believed that the Nuke program was stolden from America, will there be an incident about this? With Cuba, could be an independent nation stuck in Depotism(worng spelling) and given Communism at a certain date. Will there be a seperate civ for civil unrest in dealing with the break away republics? So many questions.
                  Civfan (Warriorsoflight)


                  • #10
                    Eddie and I have had, uh, discussions about how the scenario should begin. The start of NATO is as best an idea as any.

                    APCs will be units with the defensive role (1 as opposed to 0, reserver for armor) and a move of 2. That's as unique as we can get.
                    "You give a guy a crown and it goes straight to his head."


                    • #11
                      Well, no CivFan...

                      1. Like Mike and I both said. April of 1949.

                      2. American Infantry and West European Infantry

                      3. Soviet Spies were already in place before 1949. There could be something on it .

                      4. I'd rather it be barbarian with a tough unit in it. Less work for the player. Or just me.

                      5. No. I'd hate to have the whole thing scripted out like that!

                      BTW, any little historical tidbits would be great!
                      [This message has been edited by Fast_Eddie (edited January 03, 2000).]


                      • #12
                        What about orbital combat? I don't have any units planned for that, so I say I don't like em!

