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Mr. Temba is dead!

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  • Mr. Temba is dead!

    And I have risen from the ashes!

    This is my new login. I like it much better. Mr. Temba was the guy that had that great kick ass webpage and spent all of his life making scenarios. Well, that ain't me no more. So Mr. Temba is dead! Phoenix is here! Woohoo!

    MR. T was the old initials....

    I can throw a hundred pound walrus right through the wall!

  • #2
    You're joking, right??

    Hodadian Award Central-
    "The worst lies are those left unsaid." - ghen
    The Millennium is Coming! Run For Your Lives!
    CGN | a bunch of incoherent nonsense
    Chris Jericho: First-Ever Undisputed Champion of Professional Wrestling & God Incarnate
    Mystique & Aura: Appearing Nightly @ Yankee Stadium! | Red & Pewter Pride
    Head Coach/General Manager, Kyrandia Dragonhawks (2004 Apolyton Fantasy Football League Champions)


    • #3
      well, he certainly posts from the same isp...
      I'm disabling the mrtemba login and if it is a fake...

      btw, mr reborn...


      • #4
        Nope, not kidding. Thanks, MarkG! I like that email address better too!

        MR. T was the old initials....

        I can throw a hundred pound walrus right through the wall!


        • #5
          My question:
          Did the RedFront virus kill the original MrTemba?


          • #6
            If Mr. Temba is dead, can I claim that I made Charlemagne? j/k:-)

            St. Leo
            Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


            • #7
              Phoenix, what nice name! I know a nice song about Phoenix! You won't believe (or understand it), but I kissed that bird only two weeks ago...
              Here it is:

              (melody is about like "Ode to Joy" (the civ-song ) but a bit different)
              Phoenix shöner Gottervogel
              Vogel aus der Altertum
              Wir betreten mit entzücken
              Himmlicher dein Heiligtum
              Deine Zauber bindet wieder
              Was die Arbeit streng gezeilt
              Die Studenten werden Brüder
              Wo der sanften Flügel weilt


              • #8
                Well, the text is partially taken from the first verse of Friedrich Schiller's "Ode an die Freude", from which the text for the famous song came. It goes like this:
                Fruede schöner Götterfunken
                Tochter aus Elysium
                Wir betreten Feuertrunken
                Himmlische, dein Heiligtum
                Deine Zeuber binden wieder
                Was die Mode streng geteilt
                Alle Menschen werden Brüder
                Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt

                Although I love this song, I painfully learned the text at school
                Phoenix, yes that's cool, but are you only calling yourself so in the forum, or do you combine that name with everything you have to do with Civ2?

                Follow the masses!
                30,000 lemmings can't be wrong.
                Follow the masses!
                30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


                • #9
                  En ingles por favor!
                  Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                  • #10

                    Well, now I've got to get something off my chest. The first time I saw the name "Mr. Temba", I thought that the guy with the name was a 60 something year-old guy who ran around in a Hawaiien (strange word...) shirt collecting stamps. Although that opinion has been dramatically's still a really funny picture in my head.

                    Haven't seen me here for awhile!

                    And temba rolls off the toungue (stupid spelling..) a lot easier thatn Phoenix.


                    • #11
                      First One:
                      Phoenix of shoener Gottervogel bird from that antiquity we entered with entzuecken Himmlicher your Heiligtum your charms binds again which the work strictly gezeilt the students becomes brothers where the gentle wings stays

                      Second One:
                      Fruede of beautiful God sparks daughter from Elysium we enter Feuertrunken Himmli, your Heiligtum your Zeuber bind again which the mode all humans become strictly divided brothers where your gentle wing stay

                      St. Leo
                      Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


                      • #12
                        Captain Nemo,

                        Sadly I haven't played that anymore since I posted that casualty report in that one thread. I really don't have a lot of time at my comptuer .

                        St. Leo,

                        Go ahead! Now you can answer all the little whiners complaining about historical accuracy! You can try to tell little wierdos who just want to brag that they know about some obscure event why you left it out! Be my guest! Please!


                        Just on the forums. All those scenarios were still made by "Mr. Temba." I might make one too, one of these days.


                        I was just wondering where you were. Remember the good old days at CivNation? Sigh....

                        And I am very happy to see all of the musical influence my name has!

                        I'm the Phoenix, MR. T was the old initials....

                        I can throw a hundred pound walrus right through the wall!


                        • #13
                          I must say that Mr. Temba was one of my favorite logins. Although he continues to exist in the form of Phoenix, Mr. Temba will be missed.
                          To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                          From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                          • #14
                            StLeo: you just ran the text through one of those crappy automatic translators. Totally freaking lame!!!

                            Joy, bright spark of divinity,
                            Daughter of Elysium,
                            Fire-inspired we tread
                            Thy sanctuary.
                            Thy magic power re-unites
                            All that custom has divided:
                            All men become brothers
                            Under the sway of thy gentle wings.

                            As Stefan observes, the text is from Schiller's poem. The "famous song" is the choral finale of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.


                            • #15
                              This new login is nice

                              I updated your info in the age FAQ...

