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Babylon 5

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  • Babylon 5

    My Terminator 2 thread didn't get much response... let's see if this will...

    Due to more time at my hands, I can now start working on my B5 scenario again. However, I'd like some hints and tips. Mostly how the map should be made. Islands galore or just one big chunk of land. Any other tips will be appreciated as well!
    Lo there do I see my father
    Lo there do I see my mother
    and my sisters and my brothers
    Lo there do I see the line of my people
    back to the begining
    Lo they do call to me
    They bid me take my place among them
    in the Halls of Valhalla
    where the brave may live forever

  • #2
    Is the scenario being made with Test of Time? How will the scenario start out? A civil war, a conquest, beginning of empire building or just survival. I myself don't know much about Babylon 5 but a great way to start out if the game begins in a civil war is two create two maps. 1 for the civil war the 2nd for the second part.
    Civfan (Warriorsoflight)


    • #3

      The scenario will be made for FW. Setting will be the setting at the beginning of the series. The first part will therefore be some sort of empire building and diplomacy thingy, while the last part, the shadow war, will be about survival.


      I've thought about the stargates... either, it'll be no terrain movement thingy, or railroads... I don't know yet... first, I've gotta make a good map.
      Lo there do I see my father
      Lo there do I see my mother
      and my sisters and my brothers
      Lo there do I see the line of my people
      back to the begining
      Lo they do call to me
      They bid me take my place among them
      in the Halls of Valhalla
      where the brave may live forever


      • #4
        If you do islands, you may have problems getting the AI to play well. It uses ships very badly and doesn't expand quickly overseas. My suggestion would be to make space be land. The AI will play better and you'll have less problems overall.

        Good luck!

        (How are you going to simulate the stargates? Railroads?)


        • #5
          As I have already mentioned, you are welcome to shamelessly copy terrain from "my" MOO mod.:-)

          St. Leo

          Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


          • #6
            This is the reason I asked St. Leo

            Let me clear my throat... rhrhmrmhrm rhmrhmmr rhmrmhmrmh mhrmmrmhmrhm rmhmrmhrmhmrmhm!

            Lo there do I see my father
            Lo there do I see my mother
            and my sisters and my brothers
            Lo there do I see the line of my people
            back to the begining
            Lo they do call to me
            They bid me take my place among them
            in the Halls of Valhalla
            where the brave may live forever


            • #7
              If you use individual squares (islands) as planets and give all ground troops a paratrooper ability then the game will work OK (although it'll have to be a war game - the engineers wont paradrop to anoth island to build there)
              To conquer a planet the ships would move through space and bombard the planet and then the troops are paradropped in.
              (probably a good idea to extend the paradrop range though)

