Noone seems to have made a scenario covering the years before ww2 actually broke out. That could become quite interesting. It would be perfect for PBEMing, with lots of diplomacy and buildup of nations. Stalin could for instance not purge the red army. How would the that turn out? Would Hitler continue to violate the 'Versaille treaty'? Japan doesn't nessesairily have to attack China. Would Germany occupy Austria. What about the Spanish civil war? There would be lots of thing to do and lots of land to conquer
Therefor I have started to work on a giga world map scenario starting in October 1936, when Germany and Italy forms the Axis alliance. It is in the same setting as my other Blitzkrieg scenario which is tested as we speak. !! Here !! .
I could need some help and tips, in order to make it a classic. What units should I use? And so on...
I am using the same setting as in the 1941 version, so I will post the sav-file with how the world looks like. Feel free to comment on city placements and so on.
EDIT: Attachment removed in favour of a newer version

Therefor I have started to work on a giga world map scenario starting in October 1936, when Germany and Italy forms the Axis alliance. It is in the same setting as my other Blitzkrieg scenario which is tested as we speak. !! Here !! .
I could need some help and tips, in order to make it a classic. What units should I use? And so on...
I am using the same setting as in the 1941 version, so I will post the sav-file with how the world looks like. Feel free to comment on city placements and so on.

EDIT: Attachment removed in favour of a newer version