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New Scenario: 2194 Days of War 1939 or 1936

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  • New Scenario: 2194 Days of War 1939 or 1936

    Hey guys, I have begun working on a new version of my 2194 Days of War Gigamap scenario. I decided I wanted to make a completely open ended WWII scenario after playing some Hearts of Iron recently. It will still be primarily PBEM based, but I plan on making it playable for single player also. I haven't decided if I want to make it start in January 1939 or 1936 sometime like Hearts of Iron is, and I am open to suggestions as to when it should begin. I am leaning towards early 1939 because I have no way of being able to have all of the seperate countries taht did not join the Axis until later. I have decided on which countries to use mostly, but if anyone can come up with a better design as to who can control the French let me know.

    Here are my preliminary ideas:
    -----Soviet Union
    -----Japanse Empire
    -----Axis (Germany, Romania, Austria, Italy, Chech)
    -----Eastern Allies (much like Curt's Dictator Scenario Balkans, China)
    -----British Allies (UK, Norway, Low Countries, France)
    -----Neutral Allies

    -Technology is very expensive and it will be driven almost exclusively through trade generated by freight
    -Roads will only be used to connect cities, there will not be road networks leading everywhere, roads will take longer to build than normal
    -Railroads can be built, but the technology needs to be researched and it will take longer than usual to build a railroad
    -Industry (mines) can be built on any terrain except for mountains. It will take a very long time to build but it will allow for any city to become an industrial center
    -Technology will be militarily focused and will allow each player and country to focus on what they want to build, tanks, navy, airforce etc.
    -Less wonders will be placed at the start of the scenario
    -Make it very detrimental to the player for focusing exclusivley on one branch of the military by making each additional unit much better than the first

    -USA will start furthest behind in military tech, have good economic technology, and very good industrial technology
    -USA units will be cheap, but weak
    -Axis units are expensive, but strong
    -Japan will have the best infantry
    -Soviets will have cheap untis wth average strength
    -British units will be average cost and average strengthed
    -Eastern units are very good on the defense
    -Neutrals cannot build more units

    As many of you will notice, many of these ideas came from CurtSibling who I feel is probably the best scenario creator right now. His ideas are very, very good and hopefully they will make this scenario very good also.

    January 1939

  • #2

    Thanks pap!
    I am just one of many!
    IMHO, We all do great work for the CIV2 community.

    You made a brilliant enlargement of a classic.
    And I can't wait to see a new awesome version of your already great work!


    • #3
      Ahhh...we can never get enough ww2 scenarios! I voted 1939, because I intend to make a 'Road To War' (1936) myself
      Last edited by Eivind IV; June 19, 2003, 05:52.
      Find my civ2 scenarios here

      Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


      • #4
        Hey Pap, that would be a very, very good idea! If I could help you, please feel free to tell me.

        Some thoughts, though :

        * Why you want to give Czechia to Germany in January 1939? As far as I know Hitler made the rest of the Czech State to a protectorate on March 15th/16th, 1939.

        * Romania joined the Axis not in 1939. Hitler was really concerned about the Soviet pressure upon Romania after the Destruction of Poland.

        * If it´s possible you should not make Italy a member of the Axis Juggernaut too early. Mussolini joined the war on June 10th 1940 and wanted to fight his "own" war for some kind of renewed "Imperio Romano".

        * I would not make Norway and the Low Countries Allies from the beginning. Maybe this could be solved via events. For example: Once Germany has researched or received - let´s say - Dependency on "Swedish Ore increases" the cites in Norway would be emtied and Allied units placed near them to simulate the fact that a country becomes an enemy of the Axis.

        All in all I confess that this sounds even more interesting than your superb 2194 days of war giga scenario. If you need something I would be glad to help you. Anyway, Good Luck!


        • #5
          After I started working on the map and placing cities, I decided that I cannot find a way to make a scenario I'll be happy with starting in 1939 or 1936. Instead I am having the scenario start in May of 1940 with the Germans ready to attack into France. The German player will still have the option of whether or not to attack into France, but they will start the scenario ready to attack.

          I found what is quite possibly the best website for historical scenario creators. It has the populations of every single major and most of the minor cities in the world. Using this website, I cleared the map and began placing cities from the beginning again. All of the city sizes are now completely accurate according to the website. Here is the link for everyone else...

          I posted a picture of Europe, let me know if you think anything should be moved, changed, etc, and let me know if there are any ideas you have.



          • #6
            All in all I confess that this sounds even more interesting than your superb 2194 days of war giga scenario. If you need something I would be glad to help you. Anyway, Good Luck!
            Thanks Jim, as of right now, I don't think I need any help, but I know that playtesting is going to require a hell of a lot of people.



            • #7
              Wroclaw and Lodz are misplaced.

              IMHO, you should name Lodz Wroclaw (though I think that Breslau (the german name of Wroclaw) would be better becuase the city was german for nearly 1000 years) and Lodz should be renamed to Krakow (the german governeur had his seat there).


              • #8
                Vienna, Bucharest, Budapest and Belgrad are misplaced. Vienna, Budapest should be on Donau and Bucharest right next to it.
                "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                It can only be achieved by understanding"


                • #9
                  Good Ideas Pap!
                  Jimmys/Curts and my sscenario also begins in 1936!!!
                  So its nice you start in 1940 (so its not all the same). A litll tip: Try to keep citysizes low so you won´t have so much problems with overdone terrains - but thats just what I´d do...

                  PS: I miss Königsberg!

                  @Curt: Check your PM!!!
                  Deutscher Meister 2004: WERDER BREMEN


                  • #10
                    a problem with '2194 days of war'

                    I am currently playing the scenario named '2194 days of war' (that is why I ask my question here).
                    I downloaded from CFC and the authors are named Captain Nemo and Alex the Magnificent.
                    I play as the British ...until they discover 'Radar'.
                    When they discover 'Radar' the game crashes.

                    (I suspect that 'Radar' is the last tech that the British are 'allowed' to research, but the authors seem to have forgotten to allow the British to research future techs, and that's why the game crashes)

                    Is there something I can do to go on playing the scenario despite that bug ?
                    Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                    • #11
                      Why not make the neutrals barbarians, with particularly strong infantry and add another civilization in their place?


                      • #12
                        Pap - silly point this, but speaking as a Mancunian (someone from Manchester) you need to rename Manchester to Hull or maybe Newcastle. Manchester is in the North West of England, near Liverpool. Birmingham should be bigger than Glasgow, as well.


                        • #13
                          Wroclaw and Lodz are misplaced. IMHO, you should name Lodz Wroclaw (though I think that Breslau (the german name of Wroclaw) would be better becuase the city was german for nearly 1000 years) and Lodz should be renamed to Krakow (the german governeur had his seat there).
                          Do you mean that I should rename Wroclaw, Breslau and Lodz, Krakow??
                          Good Ideas Pap!
                          Jimmys/Curts and my sscenario also begins in 1936!!!
                          So its nice you start in 1940 (so its not all the same). A litll tip: Try to keep citysizes low so you won?t have so much problems with overdone terrains - but thats just what I?d do...
                          PS: I miss K?sberg!
                          Good, we'll have a little variation in the WWII scenario community. I used the city sizes that I did because they represent the population of the cities at the time with Civilization II's population. Many of the bigger cities are on a terrain that has a lot of food. I am going to lower the food needed for support of each citizen (I think this is possible) and increase the size of the food box so taht it takes a lot for cities to grow any larger.
                          Why not make the neutrals barbarians, with particularly strong infantry and add another civilization in their place?
                          Well, the reason I didn't is because I don't know much about how Barbarians work as a Civilization, are they always at war with everyone? How do I keep them proudicing units, etc...? Would I then use France as a civilization??
                          Pap - silly point this, but speaking as a Mancunian (someone from Manchester) you need to rename Manchester to Hull or maybe Newcastle. Manchester is in the North West of England, near Liverpool. Birmingham should be bigger than Glasgow, as well.
                          I chose Manchester because it was a bigger city than the other 2 in 1938 when I have population sizes for. How important is it that I change it?? According to the website where I based all of my population statistics on, Birmingham and Glasgow had very similar populations during 1938. Since then however, Glasgow's population has lost more than 400,000 people so it is much smaller than Birmingham.



                          • #14
                            Looks pretty good. I would definately make France a separate civ. Making the neutrals barbarians isn't a bad idea. Why don't you give them very strong, immobile units so they can't attack anyone and nobody can take them over. I would change Manchester because it is not only in the wrong place, but on the wrong coast. Also, based on your previous scenario (which was very good) I would put a lot more cities in Africa, especially Ethiopia.
                            World War 2 Worldwide
                            Muddy Flood Plains
                            World Map


                            • #15
                              Why are the United Kingdom and United States in two different civilisations, while Germany and Italy are in one?

                              If you're worried about a "Western Allied" civilisation being the 800lb gorilla, don't give them the tech for any industrial improvements apart from Factories and one type of Power Plant. Dub their Power Plant "Mobilization", and make it exceedingly expensive to maintain (relatively cheap to build, though). When the US enters the war (and I suggest using research for this), the WA have a tech that allows them to build the Hoover Dam, or, in this scenario, "US Mobilization".

                              In order to stop the American shipyards from churning out too many ships for the British (though surely they should build a few!), use the extra civ slot freed up to create "Borders" around US ports. You'll also want to use this to keep Italy out of the war, and perhaps to "sanitise" the B-L pact line.

                              Don't forget (like Alex and Nemo did) that certain neutral territories were occupied by the Allies - IIRC, the Azores and Canaries. This didn't, of course, start a war with Sweden

