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  • #46
    to make it a bit more interesting and funny. imagine a nuclear pre-emptive strike of the US possessing 4-5 times more nukes than the USSR. who do you think will win?!?!?!


    • #47
      ok, updated unit credits. thanx to academia
      You are welcome

      on the title.gif i´m still working
      mmm... try here:

      You may find interesting soviet propoganda posters in this site
      South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
      Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


      • #48
        to make it a bit more interesting and funny. imagine a nuclear pre-emptive strike of the US possessing 4-5 times more nukes than the USSR. who do you think will win?!?!?!
        Ok dude. Your scenario, your choice
        I´m just saying that i find it completely unrealistic.
        We aren´t talking about a difference of 100 vs. 200 nuclear bombs.
        IT´S 29,000 VS 4,000

        All in all, i think that at least the US should have more nukes than the USSR in your scenario.
        That´s all
        South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
        Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


        • #49
          don´t feel offended but the thing with the nukes is manageable

          and i also know the difference was that enormous but just for the reason mentioned above ...... come on, don´t be that cruel


          • #50
            and i also know the difference was that enormous but just for the reason mentioned above ...... come on, don´t be that cruel
            Offended? no, why should i be?
            I just wanted to make myself clear.
            As I said:
            Your scenario, your choice

            Anyway, the most important thing is TO HAVE FUN PLAYING YOUR SCENARIO!!!
            South Atlantic Conflict v1.2 - Civ II Scenario
            Iron Curtain v1.1 - Civ II Scenario


            • #51
              Originally posted by academia
              Regarding unit credits.txt:

              * I found the initials "DC" in the Spy Satellite pic in one of my units galleries
              * F-4B Phantom II: I think that´s made by BeBro
              * Su-15 Flagon: I think BeBro too
              * F-111A Aardvark: Mmm... Bebro?
              * B-52 Stratofortress: Andrew Livings
              * Mirage V:
              * SSBN Submarine: Mmm... Andrew Livings too?
              * SSN Submarine: Andrew Livings
              * Tu-95 Bear: I found the initials AC in the pic
              * Tu-16 Badger: AC initials too
              * Ka-25 Hormone: My conversion of a real Ka-25 photo
              * SA-341 Gazelle: My conversion of a real SA-341 photo
              Pretty much, Acedemia. Here's some more, Jim:

              - AC=Jimmywax
              - The T-55-derived units are not mine, they are merely tweaks of BeBro/Curt Sibling originals
              - Engineers=Nemo
              - Curt Sibling also modified DannyEvilcat's infantry quite a lot; I think they are for a scenario called Soviet Steel (?)
              - the Thunderchief is Techumseh
              - The BMP-2 (not BTR-60!) is by Jimmywax, not me

              I hope you update the credits file, because you have attributed some of these units to me.


              • #52
                Originally posted by academia
                Regarding unit credits.txt:

                * F-4B Phantom II: I think that´s made by BeBro
                * Su-15 Flagon: I think BeBro too
                The F-4 looks like BeBro's but it looks modified, so I am not sure. I am positive the Su-15 isn't his though. He made the F-4 along with several other units for me and that was not one of them. I am sorry though that I am not sure who it belongs too. It might be Curt's or the same person who made the Mirage(Jim?).

                Also, I am positive that Andrew Livings has an A-4 that would fit in perfectly with your graphics. I will post it and you can decide. I might also be able to help you with the U-2. I have an idea for it.
                "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
                "Guinness sucks!" -- Me


                • #53
                  Just a couple bugs...

                  First, the date doesn't go forward. It goes backward.

                  Second, I believe "Mossul" is "Mosul," isn't it?

                  Third, not exactly a bug, but I wouldn't use the "Radio" slot if you don't intend to build more (unlimited movement) railroads. I noticed you don't allow construction of RRs, but you do allow building of airbases. Airbases can act as RRs.

                  Other than these three things, I love your scenario! An excellent piece of work that I am enjoying regardless of whatever bugs are currently in the game. Be proud.


                  • #54
                    Another thing, when the intelligence angecy wonder is built, it is said it has been "granted," when it of course has been built, not granted.


                    • #55
                      I wish to correct an earlier statement: all rebel cities have 4-5 rebel/neutral armies in them, except for Stockholm and Helsinki, which only had one each and were building cruise missiles


                      • #56
                        Also, when you take a city, IDF infantry appear outside the cities as partisans. How about replacing that non-used slot with the IDF and put a partisan unit in that slot?


                        • #57
                          Hey hey! Your scenario looks really cool! Im not the biggest fan of cold war scenarios but this one really could make me play such one!
                          Deutscher Meister 2004: WERDER BREMEN


                          • #58
                            Another nitpick: Shouldn't the UAR be communist? The UAR was highly socialistic, under the control of the Ba'ath Party in Syria and Nasser in Egypt. Political Islam, or Fundamentalism, did not really emerge as a major force until the 1979 Iranian revolution.
                            The Arab League should probably be a Parliamentary Monarchy, to reflect the powers of the Saudis and the royal families of Jordan, Iraq, Morocco, etc.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by rmsharpe
                              Just a couple bugs...

                              First, the date doesn't go forward. It goes backward.
                              The reason for this is simple: the starting date is set as -23549, when it should be simply 23549.
                              "Paul Hanson, you should give Gibraltar back to the Spanish" - Paiktis, dramatically over-estimating my influence in diplomatic circles.

                              Eyewerks - you know you want to visit. No really, you do. Go on, click me.


                              • #60
                                Yeah, I modified it on my own and changed it to the right way.

