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Stalingrad, Come and Get It!

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  • #16
    Will you give us a v. 2?
    No enterprise is more likely to succeed than one concealed from the enemy until it is ripe for execution.
    - Niccolo Machiavelli
    LA GUERRA - The Colombian Civil War 1974-2002 IS OUT NOW!


    • #17
      Yes, of course. This is the point. I am excited to work on this agin but after so long I now notice that Its better to start over. So thats what I am doing. I have been working on a map, but I am not sure if the dimensions are going to work. I am a few days into that. Been playing with some artwork too, redoing allof of old graphics I found were corrupted in this version etc.

      Attached Files


      • #18
        You need any help with this you just give me a ring, k?


        • #19
          Thanks for this FMK!

          Man this scenario is HARD, the first part went OK, I got the objectives just in time. But the city fighting is a serious bloodbath! The battle in the North went OK and I've captured 3 "cites" inside the city proper by the end of part 2 (Spartakova, Gorokov's HQ and the Tractor factory) . The battle for the Mamayev Kurgan has been incredibly bloody with neither side able to keep contol of it. However in the South it's a different story my whole army there was destoyed, mainly due to the complete destruction of Yelshanka which was followed by the death of 11 units stacked there!

          In other words great job! It feels authenticly desperate, nearly all of my forces have been destoyed on this my first attempt. I definatly need to develop new tactics for this innercity fighting. The artillery came as as delightfuly nasty shock. I will be far more protective of my troops in the first part next time (every unit counts!), and get more of them to veteran status (by shooting farmers! ).
          I think I spread my troops too thin in the south, while I bunched up too much in the North slowing my advance, I need to send more troops to the Mamayev Kurgan also.

          Best of luck on the brand new attempt FMK!
          This could turn into one of the classics.

          p.s. you put my anti-tank DOGS in yay!
          Grenski Timyfovich Sladkov, People's Armaments Commisar of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and winner of the Valient Labor Medal.


          • #20
            Great work, FMK! This is one of the best scenarios I've played, and I hope you'll continue working on it
            I have a question: There is no way to capture the 2 railyard stations? (they are cities with size 1, and when captured, dissapear ).
            But all is an amazing work. Thank you very much!


            • #21
              Hi all, Thanks for those kind words There is lots of potential in this, but the ideas just wont be realized as they should, not in this incarnation. For instance this scen was made before 'stackable' terrain was in use. Thats perfect for inside the city, but it not there now. That would prevent you losing so many troops to the artillery (which I made to be a pretty much guarenteed kill. Also, try to use your planes to keep the Soviets off your bulk of troops, as they Red Airforce is no where to be seen all you've got to protect against is the AA guns.

              The Railstations were wrecked in the historical assault, and rendered unuseable. Hence their destruction. It also frees up a city gfx slot for the docks you build to cross the Volga.



              • #22
                Hi FMK. i'll certainly get into stalingrad ASAP!
                Just one question: Where can i get Lebensraum-1939? I've been itching to play it for months! Have you realesed it yet?
                I love PEPSI! (twitching and shivering profusely)


                • #23
                  The anti-tank dog sound is a classic. I laughed


                  • #24
                    There is Global warming!!!
                    "You should count all humans as your kinfolk and the whole world as your foster country."
                    - Queen Kristina


                    • #25
                      Don't be so hard on yourself Rob, this is fantastic!


                      • #26
                        After playing this for a couple of hours, I realised this might be one of the best scenario ever released. Especially if you make a v. 2.00 with the bugs fixed and even improved settings. It has the right graphics touch and that "feeling" of Stalingrad. That desperate fighting to conquer street by street consuming vast forces.
                        The desperate attempts by the Luftwaffe to clear the way for the German troops while simultaneously trying to recon the area. The fighting is so bitter and so challenging, while aesthetically it is near perfection.

                        Well, enough talking, now back to the game. I'm almost glued to my computer now, trying to clear the outskirts. I like the way Blitzkrieg pays off, if you avoid the enemy strongholds, they become in significant. I also think the mine fields are a good job.

                        Finally, about the dogs - they shouldn't really be that strong. They were in reality a failure, it would seem highly unrealistic for a pack of dogs to destroy a tank battalion, at most they would be able to damage it...
                        No enterprise is more likely to succeed than one concealed from the enemy until it is ripe for execution.
                        - Niccolo Machiavelli
                        LA GUERRA - The Colombian Civil War 1974-2002 IS OUT NOW!


                        • #27
                          Oh no, incoming dog attack. Quick deploy the secret weapon!!

                          *breaks glass case

                          Weapon primed and ready sir! Fire!

                          *stick is thrown towards soviet lines.

                          Rover, Fetch! uh oh, it's not working. Hang on. Rover, Fetchski! Woof woof woof KABOOM!!! (Missle.wav)

                          *black smoke obscures Soviet lines.

                          Sorry couldn't resist it


                          • #28


                            • #29
                              HI, I played the first part, of the scenario, and it is a very interesting one, I think there should be a few more units around the objectives cities to make it more challenging but it´s ok

                              I accomplish the objectives in the very last turn, now I´m waiting to take a look at the second part

                              my strategy was to move first the planes to explor and find soviet units and then attack the strongest ones always from a place where a road exists to not let them to move

                              very fun escenario fmk!!!!!
                              Second President of Apolytonia, and Vice-President twice
                              Shemir Naldayev, 1st Ukrainian front comander at the Red front democracy gamePresidente de la Republica de España in the Civil War Demogame


                              • #30
                                Hey, I just thought. Has any one realised that yesterday (2nd Feb) was the anniversary of the final German surrender at Stalingrad?

