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The Dark Side Beckoneth

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  • #16
    try using html instead vbb FMK it always works for me

    < a href = " " >


    • #17
      Originally posted by Field Marshal Klesh
      .....Anyway, helluva game. What are some of your favourite aspects Kull?
      1) The way in which RTS and TBS elements blend together SO smoothly. It's actually possible to operate in a pure campaign mode, building your economy, setting up trade, and leaving the battles - sight unseen - to the AI. But the ability to take all the disparate elements of a medieval army - archers, pikemen, cavalry and use them TOGETHER on a natural looking landscape - WOW (but more on this later)

      2) Death of Kings: Every turn that passes, your country's ruler gets another year older - and eventually will die of old age or disease. Unless you use him during a battle - for death is possible there, too (as is - of course - the death of enemy kings! Hehehe!). So what happens when he dies?

      3) Dynasties: Why one of his sons (or daughters if you have a Christian Faction) takes over as the new king. If your ruler is heir-less, than there's a fight for control among the most powerful generals. But succession is far more than some king with a new name...because just like real people, these folks have...

      4) Personal Traits: Every personality has 5 common traits - Loyalty (to the ruler), Command (ability to lead armies), Dread (inspire fear in opponents and - more importantly - your associates), Piety (religiousness), and Acumen (governing ability). But many of these "people" have "Vices & Virtues" which add far greater complexity to their personalities. Some are cowards, others brave, some cause happiness in those they rule, others the reverse. And here's the kicker: These traits are ALTERED BY WHAT THEY DO DURING THE GAME! A general who repeatedly retreats from battle, even if it's no fault of his own, will lose command points and adversely impact the morale of his men (they'll begin to EXPECT him to run away). Many (and maybe all) of these people also have hidden vices they try to hide from others, but spies can ferret these out. I could go on, but the bottom line is this REALLY provides a flavor missing from most sterile "god games".

      5) The RTS Battles: These are just amazing. As an example, I learned first hand why peasants historically had little or no chance against the French Royal Knights. I formed a battle line of 100 peasant spearmen, 8 deep, and placed 60 archers behind to take out the approaching enemy. The French only had 40 knights! I outnumbered them 4-1. What chance did they have? Well, when I ran the replay mode and zoomed in for closeups after the debacle, I could see my peasants starting to quaver even as the knights began their charge. And then - within moments of impact - the line broke and they all turned and fled (the archers leading the way). NOTHING would convince them to fight back! I killed 5 knights and lost over a hundred men, most slaughtered while running away. Very sobering.

      That's just a taste of what makes this a very entertaining game. Highly recommended.

      NOTE: Slow machines with Weak graphics cards need not apply!
      To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

      From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise

