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Happiness = Food

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  • Happiness = Food

    I need some advice on a "new" concept. In my new scenario it's literally impossible for cities to grow, although they CAN "starve" if unhappiness requires you to turn a worker into an entertainer. Thus Happiness = Food Supply. There's a number of associated changes that happen as a result - in particular, happiness improvements and techs are now food-related. For example, "Temple" is now "Bakery" and the related techs (Ceremonial Burial and Mysticism) are "Flour" and "Yeast". I still need two more, and am wide open for ideas:

    1) Colosseum (Farmer's Market?) and Electronics (??) - This should be something food related that applies to a mid-size town.

    2) Cathedral (Food Warehouse? Ugh!) and Monotheism (the enabling tech so it should be a requirement - like flour is to a bakery) and Theology (something that improves the "cathedral", but isn't required). This should be an improvement found only in large cities. Note: Don't bother with Communism. It does have a negative impact on Cathedrals, but it's already in use as a government type.

    A lot of Wonders also have happiness effects, so any thoughts on those would also be appreciated. (although I'm probably going to treat these differently).

    To narrow the list of acceptable ideas, they must apply to a scenario set in Western Europe in 1914.
    To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

    From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise

  • #2
    Cathedral = Meatpacking Plant or Slaughterhouse?

    Monotheism = Livestock Rolling Stock? What do they call those RR cars for cattle?
    El Aurens v2 Beta!


    • #3
      Is this in present day?
      If not, Cathedrals could well be a food warehouse, as historically rulers in for instance italian city states kept large stores of food to make sure people didn't revolt becouse of bad harvests/hard winters...
      No Fighting here, this is the war room!


      • #4
        Hmm... there were public "soup kitchens" in Germany for the civilians around 1916; I don't know how it was earlier in the war.
        Maybe you can replace Cathedrals with such, and introduce something like "public food distribution" or something like that instead of Michelangelo's chapel...
        Follow the masses!
        30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


        • #5
          Howzabout Ag Co-ops? Apparently cooperatives and agricultural syndicates were a response to a severe depression in the late 19th century. Found this link at the Univ of Glasgow: Has these bullets
          Union centrale des syndicats des agriculteurs de France (founded in 1886) has 10,000 branches in 1914.

          German Agrarian League (founded 1893) has 400,000 members in 1906. Its Catholic rival has 300,000.
          The source (a university lecture outline) appears to be reliable, but I don't know the author's biases. Any social history whizzes hear about these co-ops?

          Stefan, that you wonder about soup kitchens earlier in the war sounds like you suspect their growth was a consequence of the wartime blockade. Wasn't 1916 known in Germany, not fondly, as the 'turnip winter'?
          El Aurens v2 Beta!


          • #6
            Boco - That's what I'm looking for - something historically appropriate to 1914 (the only year that matters):

            Agricultural Syndicate = Colosseum AND
            Electronics = Small Farms

            As an aside, food isn't the only thing that's going to change. In fact NONE of the typical growth mechanisms will look familiar. For example:

            Gold = "Patriotism"
            Science (for the most part useless) = "Government Press Release" The title might be too long, but you get the idea. To keep the player from "zeroing" this out, there will probably be one or two "REAL" techs.
            Production = "Conscription" (or enlistment)
            To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

            From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise

