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WW2 Pacific by Harlan Thompson

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  • WW2 Pacific by Harlan Thompson

    This scenario is one of my personal favourites and I've been replaying this scenario several times lately (single-player).

    My question is, has anyone ever managed to score a "Decisive Victory" on this scenario???

    I play on Emperor or Diety level and have never been able to get past 220 or 225 objects - 268 is needed for a "Decisive Victory".

    It does seem to me to be a bit historically unreasonable to expect Japan to take over all of Indonesia, China, Australia, India and Far Eastern Russia to achieve a decisive victory in this theater.

    Any thoughts or ideas about how to handle this scenario?

    BTW, in this scenario I actually witnessed the AI launch a carrier-based attack on one of my ships at sea!!!


  • #2
    Yeah, this is definetly a difficult scenario. Those US bombers have a nasty habit of destroying your entire military.

    It does seem to me to be a bit historically unreasonable to expect Japan to take over all of Indonesia, China, Australia, India and Far Eastern Russia to achieve a decisive victory in this theater.
    I guess that this is defendable on the grounds that Japan needed to conquer those territories to consolidate her empire.
    'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
    - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


    • #3
      Yeah...the US long-range bombers are a real pain - taking out 4-6 units every turn all over the map! China is a quagmire, but it doable. Its India that is the real problem - bloody Allies use diplomats to bribe cities back as soon as I can take them! (even with muchos cash in the bank).

      While I agree that taking Australia and China are legitimate goals for Japan, requiring Japan to takeover all of India I think is a bit much and probably unnecessary to buttress their conquered empire.

      I suppose if this scenario was easy, I wouldn't like it so much! No doubt about it, this is an excellent scenario if you are into lots of WW2 naval action as well as serious armaments production management.


