On the 25th of March 1821 ,after many failed attempts, the Greeks rebeled to overthrow the Ottoman yoke. In a war that lasted for 9 years and marked by many atrocities, although defeated at the field of battle, the Greeks, through the intervention of the Great Powers, gained their independance.
I have created this scenario more than two years ago, but i recently decided to "update" it. Since i lost the final version to a hard drive malufunction 3 months ago (along with other things...) i had to work on a beta version which miracusly survived in one of my old hard drives.
Perhaps it is better that way since i want to change many things. I will not post the beta version here (yet) since i don't think it is ready for the general public (If one is interested download it here www.apolyton.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=25605&perpage=20&pagenu mber=46 )
Things i need
I) I don't know how to "take" a picture from the scenario and post it here, so please help me.
II) I have found a cool picture to have as an intro background but although i named it "title" it does not seem to work. Why? Is is too big (2,95 Megabite)? It is in JPEG format.
III) I need a good Janisaries graphic, Egyptian flag, Egyptian uniforms and an Orthodox/Mediteranean city style. I have a book on the Egyptian army of the time but i can't find it. Aid is required.
I have created this scenario more than two years ago, but i recently decided to "update" it. Since i lost the final version to a hard drive malufunction 3 months ago (along with other things...) i had to work on a beta version which miracusly survived in one of my old hard drives.
Perhaps it is better that way since i want to change many things. I will not post the beta version here (yet) since i don't think it is ready for the general public (If one is interested download it here www.apolyton.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=25605&perpage=20&pagenu mber=46 )
Things i need
I) I don't know how to "take" a picture from the scenario and post it here, so please help me.
II) I have found a cool picture to have as an intro background but although i named it "title" it does not seem to work. Why? Is is too big (2,95 Megabite)? It is in JPEG format.
III) I need a good Janisaries graphic, Egyptian flag, Egyptian uniforms and an Orthodox/Mediteranean city style. I have a book on the Egyptian army of the time but i can't find it. Aid is required.