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Underdark Scenario - Mod for ToT

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  • Underdark Scenario - Mod for ToT

    Hello together

    I'm on a mod-"project" to recreate the Underdark Scenario (by Mr. Temba) for ToT. Unfortunately his hp is down and his email adress does not work, so I cannot ask him, if this would be ok for him.

    Does anybody have his new email?

    – made it a ToT-Scenario using the CivConverter (which is an amazing tool by Angelo Scotto)
    – terrain1, terrain 2 - using graphics from the fantasy part of ToT mostly
    – parts of cities.bmp
    – parts of units.bmp
    – parts of Improvements.bmp

    Things to do
    – complete cities, units and improvements make all graphics look nice together. I've only got MS Paint and I've only got copy/paste-abilities therefore this is a bit difficult (don't think it would look snoopy-like!)
    – describes.txt (MAINFOCUS) – Even though english isn't my mother tongue, but you know, someone HAS to do it and there are other non-english people out there, so i hope my english suffers, er is sufficient. I'll try to keep the spirit of Mr. Temba alive using his excellent readme and the events file (no civilopedia-spoilers of course).
    – Improvements .bmp's (I will only recycle existing ones)
    – Icons.bmp
    – cities.txt (!!!) (...but don't ask me what names I shall take)

    Second Approach (Version 2.0 of this mod if you want)
    – change rules.txt to use the ToT-abilities ("only this tribe can posses" etc. ) (I started this one, but it just costs to much time...)
    - sounds (I think it should be possible to use the ones Mr. Temba provided, but I'm not sure (haven't got a sound card, so I can't check))
    - Make a secondary map of the surface (maybe just using the alphacentauri terrain files and maybe a thierd one for the underground of Underdark (with dragons, maids and other stuff)
    - of course a secondary map needs also a complete redoing of the rules.txt *smile*

    Oh dear, this sounds like infogrames ("patch 1.21 patch 1.24...")

    What do you think? How can I produce a screenshot?

  • #2
    I knew Underdark would become a cult classic! Good work. I don't have an up to date email adress for him, but Temba is known to check these boards every year or two, so he may respond.
    Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


    • #3
      Go ahead. It will be nice to have another scenario using ToT specificities.
      Clash of Civilization team member
      (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
      web site and forum here on apolyton)


      • #4
        That would be cool, if he sees this, especially to ask some things I maybe don't understand right (Derro's for example).

        It's sad I don't have a better paint program, MS Paint isn't really on the edge of science, but anyway my biggest regards to the guy who invented Control+C/Controll+V. I'm a bit stuck, because all the units I've "stolen" from others or altered seem to be quite difficult to see... Now I don't know if we could agree to say that this is because of the darkness in Underdark... er no... I suppose I have to brighten them up a bit.

        as for the appointed describes.txt -> this is a VERY big file I had to understand. It's sad english isn't my prime language, especially for the right tenses (past continous etc...) better knowing of english would be helpful. But anyway the biggest part of this idea is to give flavour to the scenario and it should be fun, so I hope you'll forgive me if I've written something whichs sounds strange.

        I just don't know if I shall change things like city names as it was demanded in one of the reviews. We'll see.


        • #5
          Hello Gelvan,

          Perhaps I can help. I have knowledge of Underdark mythology and TOT design. Oh, and a large collection of high quallity underdark graphics.


          • #6
            Hey that would be very appreciated! Thanks a lot!

            I did not know, that Underdark is a mythology by itself, so maybe I should read about it, BEFORE writing my version of the describes.txt I thought it were a tale Mr. Temba's (aka Phoenix) came up with.

            Shall I send you what I've done so far? Do you have a homepage where I could see/download the units?

            The creation part works fine so far - I've only got a problem with the convertion to a ToT format. I've used the CivConverter which worked fine, but I can't use the special abilities (invisibility, tribe-specific techs/units) ToT provides. I've copied this sequence of the rules.txt from the fantasy game, but the underdrk.scn can't make use of it. Impassable terrain works though. I tried saving it anew but still no special abillities. This isn't imperative but it would be nice to use them, as ToT provides them already.

            I'll post the rules.txt (along with describes (so far) and events) - if you would like to look if I did something wrong.
            Attached Files


            • #7
              ...oh I see now that you're the webmaster of cradle of civ, haven't seen that before thanks, will check out your library.


              • #8
                Once the scn file is created the map transport abilities of units and the @LEADERS2 section can be changed only via events or hex editing.

                My website is the Cradle of Civilization.

                The Guides section of the CoC explains how to work with @LEADERS2.

                There are no Underdark graphics on the CoC. These graphics all reside on my hard drive. I did post some in the graphics thread of the SLeague site, so look there.

                The Underdark is a mythology that began in 1978 as a series of Dungeons & Dragons adventures. It has grow in popularity over the years and has bloomed into a mythos. Extensive material (mostly crap) can be found on the net.


                • #9
                  Yeah, now I've found your Goblin and Illithid graphics, they're AMAZING! I'm thinking about buying paint shop pro, to make creating a bit easier. Will check out the internet to get more infos on underdark, thanks for your advice!


                  • #10
                    Gelvan, to the graphics thread I posted a collection of Underdark Monsters for you. Enjoy.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by William Keenan
                      The Underdark is a mythology that began in 1978 as a series of Dungeons & Dragons adventures.
                      By which you mean D1-3 and Q1?
                      Respectively - Descent into the Depths, Shrine of the Kuo Toa, Vault of the Drow and Queen of the Demonweb Pits.

                      *Looks up at neon sign above head with D&D geek written on it*

                      And a big to your latest graphics masterpiece too!
                      Truly excellent work.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ravagon

                        By which you mean D1-3 and Q1?
                        Respectively - Descent into the Depths, Shrine of the Kuo Toa, Vault of the Drow and Queen of the Demonweb Pits.
                        Yes. Your right of course.

                        I put a link in the text above to add depth to statement, but I guess it was a bit hard to see. Here it is again,

                        *Looks up at neon sign above head with D&D geek written on it*
                        * Looks at similar sign above Ravagon's head and laughs! *

                        Hard to believe, there was a time when there were no computer games or even computers.

                        And a big to your latest graphics masterpiece too!
                        Truly excellent work.
                        Thanks, of course, but they are - for the most part - rips from other games. Using 24 bit graphics helps improve the quallity allot.


                        • #13
                          Hi William thanks a lot, it's just wonderful what you did with those 24bits!

                          I have to admit though, that I've put this Mod on ice at the momet, in favour of getting more scenario editing experience. And I should read more about the mythology of Unerdark first. (And a Lexirom to support my knowledge of english...)

                          This doesn't mean I won't do it, I just won't do it now.

                          BUT I'm nearly finished with a mod of another scenario (the one about secret societies), I'm on playtesting and I haven't found all credits yet but supposingly in 2-6 weeks it'll be released. Depends on the readme...

                          The complete and spellchecked describe.txt follows later on (all units have been rewritten, but - it's really a bit nasty to read because of my english...)

                          So after the release of Secret Societies II you can give me hints what I have to regard when (really) starting the Underdark II project.

                          Sorry for all the D&D fans waiting eagerly for this mod, but surely you'll apreciate when I have a bit more of D&D-knowledge AND of Modding-experience.


                          • #14
                            The Underdark theme is a very difficult one to make into a scenario. The numer of resources one can pull from are very limited indeed. You are wise to begin with a more basic theme.

