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Renaming bits of the game.

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  • Renaming bits of the game.

    I've already done a lot of renaming as far as Civs, cities, and leaders are concerned. That's the easy part. But suppose I want to rename the Barbarians as the "Fluffybunnies" or "Nasty Hairy Guys" or "those SOBs' or the like, what do I look for and what do I change?


    Jim W

  • #2
    Those names are stored in the labels.txt file. You'll need to change both "Barbarian" and "Barbarians".

    There are also some text pop-ups in the game.txt file relating to goody huts and barbarian landings. You may want to change those as well.

    When you're finished simply include the edited files in with the scenario file.

    "The man who can smile when things go wrong has thought of someone he can blame it on" - anon

    "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed" - President Eisenhower
    [This message has been edited by Andrew Livings (edited May 20, 2001).]
    "I didn't invent these rules, I'm just going to use them against you."


    • #3
      Adding on.
      If you want to change the actual tribe names of the barbarians, these are at the end of the city.txt.

      "There is no tiddle-taddle nor pibble-pabble in Pompey's camp."
      "Cease fire! Please! Cease fire. What a dreadful waste of ammunition!" -- General Horatio Herbert Kitchener


      • #4
        Thanks very much

