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New Realworld Scenario Ready!

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  • New Realworld Scenario Ready!

    Hi everyone! I've been hanging around in the background trying to wrestle various scenarios into submission... and I've succeeded with one.

    It's a more or less faithful rendition of the world starting 1997 June and including such world powers as China, Russia, America, and India. It uses all seven factions and can be downloaded in three separate versions according to connection preferences.

    It can be found at:

    It's called earth97scen and any and all feedback is very welcome! Thanks a lot
    "lol internet" ~ AAHZ

  • #2
    The download to the basic scenario seems to be a broken link.

    Oh...and "Hu Man Bing"? Come on...
    [This message has been edited by Giant Squid (edited February 23, 2001).]


    • #3
      "Hu Man Bing" isn't my housemate's real name, sadly. (It would be fun if it were... for about twenty seconds.) I'm the one who does the maps and fine placements, and he's the one who imports icons and gets sounds done. If you read my nonprogressing Alpha Centauri fiction thread, his name also crops up as a nefarious, scheming, roguelike Hive diplomat type person.

      I'll check the link and have it working again. If you have any problems with HMB's web nickname, I can wholeheartedly encourage you to flood his email at with complaints. But don't let him know I told you to do this

      Check back in a few minutes.
      "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


      • #4
        Right, I believe I solved that broken link. The browsers are awfully pernickety about capitals, aren't they? If a file is a .ZIP file, then typing in ".zip" in a download resumer won't ring any cherries. Odd...

        Just as an addendum to the whole web nickname thing, my real name isn't "Alinestra Covelia" either.
        "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


        • #5

          The browsers are awfully pernickety about capitals, aren't they?
          Actually most browsers don't care about upper/lower case (IE certainly doesn't), it is the servers holding the files that are expecting correct lower/upper case for paths. This is due to the fact that the internet was originally made to be used with the unix command system.


          • #6
            Hmm... not many takers, I see. Perhaps I should point out that it features a possible China vs America Taiwanese Straits conflict (something I read people wanted somewhere). Or that it is a good game in Multiplayer. Or that the first person to come up with a review of it gets a FREE picture of... er... of a can opener.

            If there are no takers, I'm going to have to wait until Scenario League updates.
            "lol internet" ~ AAHZ

