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Changing Paradrop Icon

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  • Changing Paradrop Icon

    Anybody know how I can change the paradrop icon from that white parachute image? I've looked through all the DLLs, but I don't see it anywhere. Where the heck is it being referenced?


  • #2
    I'm really not a Windows Programmer-y person, so I would not exactly know, but my guess would be that it's where they store the stuff for all the other mouse icons and the title bar etc, since with almost all windows based programs they have the same title bar (Netscape 6 and others being not of this category).
    If it is in the dlls that these things are found, then sorry that I can't help!
    I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.


    • #3

      Originally posted by ruoxiaohai on 01-07-2001 01:03 AM
      I'm really not a Windows Programmer-y person, so I would not exactly know, but my guess would be that it's where they store the stuff for all the other mouse icons and the title bar etc, since with almost all windows based programs they have the same title bar (Netscape 6 and others being not of this category).
      If it is in the dlls that these things are found, then sorry that I can't help!

      Thanks for your response, but if I understand your answer, you're suggesting that the icon is related to windows. The paradrop icon is definetly NOT related to windows, and is somehow part of the CIV application. Anybody know where I can edit it?


      • #4
        Check the different .gif and .bmp files and see if you can find the paradrop icon. Fix it there.
        *grumbles about work*


        • #5
          That icon you are talking about is a cursor. There is no easy way (yet) to change it.


          • #6
            You can extract and later put back this cursor, all other cursors as well as other in-game graphics and gifs in dlls.
            However, it only works now for MGE, as that's written in 32 bit it seems, and FW and earlier in 16 bit.
            I haven't found a program yet for 16 bit.

            Anyway, here is that program. .
            It's called Restorator.

            The cursors are in the civ2.exe file, btw.


            • #7
              I just tried using Restorator on CIV2.EXE (ToT version) and it works like a dream

              EDIT: Well done! On both the question and the answer

              [This message has been edited by CyberChrist (edited January 09, 2001).]


              • #8
                That's a nice little program you found, Allard. I new this was possible to do by disassmbling and then using a hex-editor but I wasn't ready to explain this procedure. Looks like I don't have to now.



                • #9

                  Originally posted by Allard HS on 01-09-2001 03:40 PM
                  You can extract and later put back this cursor, all other cursors as well as other in-game graphics and gifs in dlls.
                  However, it only works now for MGE, as that's written in 32 bit it seems, and FW and earlier in 16 bit.
                  I haven't found a program yet for 16 bit.

                  Anyway, here is that program. .
                  It's called Restorator.

                  The cursors are in the civ2.exe file, btw.

                  Allard, you genius! Kudos also to the makers of "Restorator." For those of you interested, the paradrop cursor icon was in the cursor folder of the civ2.exe, resources 514 and 515. Resorator allows you to extract this image, edit it, and reinsert it. Very powerful utility! Thanks again, Allard.


                  • #10
                    Yeah, it's a nice little program. I used it in the first place to extract bitmaps from the Imperialism GOB files.
                    But it works for most Windows programs, also with civ2, but unfortunately there's not a whole lot to edit.
                    You can also edit Internet Explorer for instance to display different pictures etc.

                    A shame it's shareware, but there are cracks for it available on the Internet.


                    • #11
                      I'm wondering about Restorators use for scenarios. Since it edits the cursor inside the Civ. exe. program, it would affect every game until you changed it back. The author talks about the "Respatcher", available with the registered version (64 bucks Cdn!!). It sounds like it would create a mini-program to switch internal graphics back and forth. Do you know if that's correct?

                      I want to change the paratroop cursor to a helicopter landing zone graphic for my ToT Vietnam scenario, but leave the cursor unchanged for other games of Civ. Any advice would be welcome.
                      Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                      • #12
                        There are little "patching" programs that compare two files. Once they found the differences, such as a few bytes from an icon that's been changed between both files, a little program is created of a few kb's that can patch somebody else's civ2.exe file to have the same bytes toggled.

                        However, given the many different versions of civ2 and the limited things that you can change in the civ2.exe file, i doubt the advantages weigh up to the disadvantages, I think..

                        I don't mean to be negative, but what use does changing the cursor have? I know that I personally will not change my civ2.exe file with a patch that comes with a scenario.


                        • #13
                          I was hoping for a simple program which would isolate the paratrooper cursor change to just my scenario. I agree that if the change is permanent and affects civ2 in its entirety, then it's just not worth it.
                          Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                          • #14
                            Sorry, you have to patch the civ2.exe file like they said.

