Is there anyway to play a regular civ game as the barbarians ( maybe with hex editing )? It would be very fun to receive units out of nowhere and bother the real civilizations.
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Playing as barbarians
Very much possible. It's about the simplest operation you can do with hex-editing.
Open your hex-editor and load your saved game. Go to the 47th byte.
Take a calculator, and convert the number there on the 47th byte to binary. All 0's are civs not in play, all 1's are civs the human Ãs playing. Normally only one 1 is in the list, but you can choose to play as many civs as you like. Including the barbarians.
0000 0000: the first 0 are the barbarians, the second for the first civ, etc.
So assuming you wish to play as Barbarians and Romans/white civ, make it 1100 0000, convert it to hex (C0), write it in the 47th byte, and play.
Of course you can also play as the barbarians only.
excerpt from my guide on hex-editing:
"47 human player played (can be more than one) [binary]
toggling this byte is great and allows Hotseat mode in FW!!!
eg. 0110 0100 means: human is playing as civ 1, 2 and 5."
Yeah I'd like to try this to. Would it be the same way to assign some one to play barbaians in a scenario???
Or would I just create the scenario and save it on the first turn and alter it for barbaians??
"I'm too out of shape for a long fight so I'll have to kill you fast"
Administrator of the CornEmpire Forum
My Civ 2 Scenario Page.I AM CANADIAN!
Gamecatcher: Multiplayer Civ 2 Democracy Game
CornEmpire Owner/Operator
Grand Minister: Dominion of the Balance & CornEmpire Software
I use Hex Workshop (it's shareware). You can download it at , but a lot of people prefer other ones.
In diplomacy, the player you use at that moment will conduct diplomacy with the other human as if it were a computer. No, no real multiplayer, after all the game was not built for that.
The 47th byte is given in decimal, not hexadecimal, and is simply the 47th hex pair from the start of the saved game. You could count them, but usually you can use the hex editor to do that for you
I tried and tried but I could not get it to work.
Could you maybe take a screen shot of the 47th byte and it's value so I can play the barbs.
I downloaded the Hex Workshop too. I had some wierd stuff to my civ games though.
Edit: Does this work in MGE too??? Because I just can't get it to work!!!!
"I'm too out of shape for a long fight so I'll have to kill you fast"
Administrator of the CornEmpire Forum
My Civ 2 Scenario Page.
[This message has been edited by CornMaster (edited August 21, 2000).]I AM CANADIAN!
Gamecatcher: Multiplayer Civ 2 Democracy Game
CornEmpire Owner/Operator
Grand Minister: Dominion of the Balance & CornEmpire Software
If you e-mail it to me at I'll put it on my web site so you can link to it for other people too.
"I'm too out of shape for a long fight so I'll have to kill you fast"
Administrator of the CornEmpire Forum
My Civ 2 Scenario Page.I AM CANADIAN!
Gamecatcher: Multiplayer Civ 2 Democracy Game
CornEmpire Owner/Operator
Grand Minister: Dominion of the Balance & CornEmpire Software
- can have the human player be two civs at once? Do you realize how useful this could be? Aside from hotseat, it could be great in scenarios. Imagine, for example, a scenario of Xerxes' invasion of Greece. You could have the human be both the Athenians and the Spartans and have both civs have different capabilities. Or if you wanted a single region only to be able to build something useful (like simulate how only the single city of Damascus could get good steel swords in the Crusades) you could make two Arab civilizations that are exactly alike, give one of them the Arab Empire except Damascus, and then give the other only Damascus and the tech to make steel swords. Or you could simulate colonies (like the British and the American colonies) for a French and Indian War scenario as two completely different civs, each of which can do its own thing...this could be quite useful...
The 47th byte is byte 2F. You can change the outset to decimal and then find forty.(The third line.) Then count pairs to 47.
I was playing as the barbs, when I retired or did the advisors. It said "King Attila of the Barbarians"
What if the Hokey-Pokey is really what its all about?
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Actually, Captain Nemo is using it in SF for the Allies and Allied Expeditionary Airforce. Oops! Did I say to much...?Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game
OK, I've done a little testing, and have found that the 48th byte controls who you are playing in v242. It's also backwards, so 02 indicates you are playing Romans (instead of 40), and switching the byte to 03 gives you control of the barbarians too.
This opens up some possibilities for my next OCC scenario...