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Train lines

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  • Train lines

    Is it possible to create train units that can only run trough train lines ? I believe that this can be done using ocean squares, but doing so would forbid other units from crossing the lines. Any suggestions ?

  • #2
    Try makeing the trains "ships" that can carry one or more land units. If you make the railway lines/ocean only one square wide then there should be oppertunities to cross the "lines" if you run them horizontaly and vertically across the map.
    [This message has been edited by Case (edited August 17, 2000).]
    [This message has been edited by Case (edited August 17, 2000).]
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    - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


    • #3
      I think I would double the terrain movement cost and double the units movement allowance. The unit that you wanted to move across the tracks could have a movement of one. It could still move one square but it would take awile to get it to a desired location.

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      • #4
        Se você tiver Civilization II: Test of Time pode usar "Impassable Terrain". (Sorry, couldn't help myself)
        For everybody: If you have Test of Time you can use Impassable Terrain and not permit the train units to cross it. Of course, you'd probably need to have a special terrain that is not impassable that could be like cleared gravel or something. Thats the only thing the trains would be able to run on.
        But I'm probably guessing that you don't have Test of Time because you probably would have got that by now... so I think that the ideas suggested are the best to go with.

