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  • #16
    Only one thing, Stefan: the size of the crusader´s army isn´t exactly known (different sources=different numbers), but it´s sure that most of the crusaders weren´t knights. Knights were, due to their strenght in close combat, the backbone of the army in land battles (like Dorylaion), but they were in fact only a small part (perhaps some thousand) of the crusaders
    [This message has been edited by BeBro (edited August 04, 2000).]


    • #17

      Originally posted by Civfan on 08-03-2000 10:58 PM
      I think the sacking of Constantinople by the crusaders in the 2nd or third crusade was in fact due to a civil war in the Byzantine empire. They supported a prince who contested for the throne and asked for their help.....I read that somewhere....correct me if i'm wrong..

      You're right.
      The Venetians (sp?), as they led the fleet which was to transport the crusaders to the Holy Land, made the crusaders conquering Zara (city in Dalmatia, I think), then received a demand for military aid from the Byzantine prince Alexios who eventually led one of the Byzantine civil war factions. Thus the crusaders were shipped to Constantinople, conquered the city in 1203 the 1st and, after being driven out, in 1204 a 2nd time.
      Constantinople was completely sacked and a Catholic Rulership under Venetian influence was established, the Latin Empire. It was destroyed in 1261 by the Empire of Nikaia(sp?), which itself was supported by another Italian power, Genua...

      "Am Anfang war das Wort" - J.W. Goethe, "Faust"

      "So they've learned from me" - Napoleon
      Bonaparte, during the Battle of Leipzig
      War doesn't prove who is right, only who is left.


      • #18

        Only one thing, Stefan: the size of the crusader´s army isn´t exactly known (different
        sources=different numbers), but it´s sure that most of the crusaders weren´t knights.
        Knights were, due to their strenght in close combat, the backbone of the army in land battles
        (like Dorylaion), but they were in fact only a small part (perhaps some thousand) of the

        I don't know, I just copied that from the "Chronicle of Germany".
        BTW, what can you tell me about Friedrich I. Barbarossa?

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        God might have created us as equals, but democracy and science pretty
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        • #19
          Stefan, here´s something about Barbarossa´s partizipation in the third crusade, hope its useful:

          Generally, the Barbarossa´s army was one of the largest in the third crusade, compared with Lionhearts English or Philipps II French army. Some sources tell something about 100000 soldiers for the Germans only. in contrast to the earlier crusades, most of the crusaders were well equipped this time, and the charismatic emperor was able to control his army, to prevent that they would plunder even christian cities on their way through Europe (as it happened in the first two crusades).

          These fact show also that the character of the crusades has changed a bit: now european leaders see it now as a way to win prestige and turned the crusades into well planned campaigns, the spontanic(?) and a bit chaotic circumstances of the earlier crusades were gone.

          Ok, Barbarossa started his crusade in may 1189 from Regensburg. He decided to follow the route of the first crusade (via Belgrad/Sofia/Constantinople), while the English and French used ships. In Thracia they entered the Byzantine empire, but now begun many conflicts between the crusaders and the Byzantines. The Byzantine emperor Isaak demanded that the crusaders would make the half of their conquests for him (badly explained...sie sollten ihm im Voraus die Eroberungen abtreten ), and the next Byzantine city, Phillipopel, was left from all inhabitants so the crusaders marched into the city. In the next days a Greek army tried to attack Barbarossa, but was defeated by the Germans, which conquered also the surrounding cities and castles, so that finally the Byzantines agree to end the hostilities between them and the Germans.

          Isaak agreed to provide Barbarossa with food and ships, but there were new conflicts and so the fighting continued until February 1190, then Isaak and Barbarossa maked a peace treaty, and Isaak gives the promised ships for the "jump" to Asia.

          In Anatoly the crusaders were under constantly attacks by Seldjuke forces, which were repulsed day by day, but the army runs soon low on food and many of the knight´s horses died. Finally Barbarossa reached Iconium, one of the most important Seldjuke cities. While a part of the army stormed the city in an outstanding attack, Barbarossa himself had to fight against a much larger Seldjuke army near the city, but managed to reach a complete victory. Then he negotiated with the Seldjuke for a free passage, and the crusade continued - until the river Saleph, near Seleucia, were the old emperor in an accident died...

          Uuh, my longest post...

