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Water World Style Scenario...

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  • Water World Style Scenario...

    I've had this idea that i'd like to start a water world style scenario, based on a map of earth and basically flood anything that isn't a hill or mountain!!

    I tried this though, and the ai spent about 3000 years pissing about without even building a single boat, so i gave them one each and waited another 1500 years, but they'd still not expanded, they all settled with 1 city each!?!?!?

    Is there a way to get the AI to work on a world with only small islands? the only civ to expand at all, was the one who started on the Himalayas with about enough space for 3 cities!!!

    Do you guys know of a scenario that has solved this problem already? or is there no easy way to give the ai an edge???
    "There are not more than 5 musical notes..." - Sun Tzu
    ...and we build an Academy for this guy... :confused:

  • #2
    Well, I had similar problems with an ancient scenario including the Aegaean sea (with quite many isles).
    After some tests, I found out that the best way to deal with the poor AI is to give them "domain 3"-settlers which can cross both land and sea terrain. In addition, you could grant the AI tribes some fertile lands - so they are able to maintain lots of settlers. At last, try to make the AI settlers CHEAP - and you should see the computer civs spreading out everywhere.
    I hope it helps you, too!
    Civilization Webring Forum


    • #3
      Cheers, i'll have to give those ideas a try!!!
      "There are not more than 5 musical notes..." - Sun Tzu
      ...and we build an Academy for this guy... :confused:


      • #4
        Nah. You're doing it all wrong. What you do is make all Terrain the sea, and have the Oceans as deep sea areas that are dangerous to cross without better ships (the real sea units).

        Smutty Porn Site
        American Beer is like having sex in a canoe, it's ****ing close to water!
        "You can't stop the spread of the goodo. Succumb or be succumbed." - Djug
        There you go! It is hard to be anally probed in a base in Kansas and being told you are just being ****ed up the ass because you are living in Ohio
        - Imran Siddiqui
        "I am the world's most expensive tampon"
        - Me


        • #5
          Yeah, already thought of doing that! But i'd have gone with all the land being sea, deep sea, shallow sea, seaweed jungles etc etc... and making the ocean into the land, but it'd mean rewriting the whole tech tree, units specs and a lot of graphic editing, but i might do it anyway!!!!!

          I'm going to see if i can get a land unit to carry other units, and see if it'll carry a boat, which will be a land unit really!! and then see if i can make the boat (looks like a land unit) without being near the sea!!! do you follow? this could get confusing...

          "There are not more than 5 musical notes..." - Sun Tzu
          ...and we build an Academy for this guy... :confused:


          • #6
            Well, you wouldn't really need an infantry in the game, would you?


            • #7
              You might be right there DJ, i'll have a think about it!!!

              PS: does anyone have any graphics, going on the cheap?????
              "There are not more than 5 musical notes..." - Sun Tzu
              ...and we build an Academy for this guy... :confused:


              • #8
                Flooding the world is an interesting idea but if the caps were to melt the sea level would only rise about 300 feet to much of the coast line would move in a have some less land and change the world shape a bit but not make a water world. But even if it wasn't a real water world, to play in a world reshaped by the melting of polar caps would be fun to play.


                • #9
                  Actually, couldn't you use infantry as boarding parties or whatnot?
                  Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!

